People know you that are a runner when you get tan lines on different parts of your body from running in the summer heat of Singapore during daytime. Some of these ‘signature’ runner lines include: Watch tan, sock tan, sports bra tan, shorts tan and so on. While these tan lines may look awkward and will take some time to disappear, let us celebrate our love and joy for running by associating types of runners with their tans!
1. Self-disciplined and Motivated runners: Watch tan line

Be it your fitness tracker or a digital stopwatch, you are a runner who has the habit of tracking your personal progress from all your runs. Every step, every second matters and it would mean a great deal to you whenever you surpass an old record and achieve a new PB. These runners are good at evaluating their performances and identifying areas for improvement.
2. ‘Run first, worry later’ Runners: Sleeve and shorts tan line

The weather outdoors is burning hot and the merciless sun rays do not deter you from charging out for the run you had been pumped for since morning. While the short sleeved shirts or singlets, compression tights or shorts do provide some heat relief and ventilation for the skin, you know the resulting tan lines might cause you to regret your choice of timing to run. However, as a result of your ‘Run First, Worry Later’ attitude, you push aside those post-runs concerns and is determined to finish that run regardless of the weather! Such runners have an admirable will power and tolerance for the heat! Remember to also apply sunscreens of suitable SPF and sun protection gears whenever necessary.
3. Fashionable and Adventurous Runners: Raccoon tan line

As the name suggests, runners with a raccoon tan are those who wear Sunglasses while running and ends up with distinctive light skin patches around their eyes. Sunglasses are commonly used by runners who participate in ultramarathons and trail running because the lenses can protect their eyes from harmful UV rays in the varying weather conditions – be it the scorching heat or cold biting winter, as well as debris or dust from the trails. In addition, sports sunglasses come in many designs and functions which allow runners to personalise their sports outfit, making it a mixture of fashion and function.
4. Women who run: Sports bra tan line

‘Who run the world? Girls.’ Yes, as Beyonce’s song suggests, Strong is the new sexy. Females who run and do sports should not feel insecure or get affected by the changes in their physical appearances; be it permanent tan lines, specks of freckles or more defined muscles. What matters most is ultimately your personality and that enviable athletic charisma of yours!
5. ‘No Pain No Gain’ Runners: Tape and guard tan line

ITBS, runners knee, shin splints, hamstring strain and so on are definitely not valid reasons for these runners to stop running. As evident from the tan lines created by the outline of their ankle, knee supports or kinesiology tape, runners of this category possess extremely high pain tolerance, endurance and perseverance to train hard and well. While rest and break from running is generally recommended for athletes suffering from injuries, it is possible for runners to use extra sports support accessories to aid them in recovery or sustain their performance during training in times of urgent situation when the season draws near.
Bonus: Lim Nghee Huat’s GO50 tan line

What kind of runner tan lines do you have? Share with us and see if you exhibit similar runner’s personality with your tans! JustRunLah!