Date: 19 August 2017
Venue: Perbadanan Putrajaya
Time: 07:00 am
Location: Putrajaya, Selangor, Malaysia
Categories: 5 km, 15 km
  Entry fees
  Runner's Entitlement
Race Apparel
  Finisher Medal
  Route maps
Route maps not yet available. Please check back at a later time.


  1. Review: poor organization of the whole thing.
    1. Race pack pick up :chaos
    2. Venue: 20k runners but no sufficient toilets; poor signage leading to starting area plus informing the the some of the lanes adjacent to the starting area was actually part of the Sea Games. Therefore, some poor participants that acidentally went into the wrong lanes were shouted at rudely by Games officials
    3. Last minute change of routes
    4. At the finishing line runners had to line up for more than 30min to pick up medals n goody bag.

  2. Poor organization.. Kena que pjg utk dpt medal dan finisher goodie bag..
    5km sepatutnya dpt participant cert.. Tapi tak dapat pun.. Then bila tanya pada Organiser dia cakap akan email kpd peserta.. So mcm mn Organiser tahu org tu adalah finisher atau tak..


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