Project Happy Feet: Slipper Race 2014 Total Defence Edition | JustRunLah!

Project Happy Feet: Slipper Race 2014


Project Happy Feet: Slipper Race, Singapore 22 February 2014.

We are always happy to publicise and support a good-cause event; this time we would like to bring your attention to the upcoming Slipper Race 2014 – Total Defence Edition organised by Project Happy Feet, to take place in Singapore on February the 22nd.

Why Slipper Race?


The Project Happy Feet Slipper Race is Singapore’s only non-competitive walk in slippers to raise funds for Project Happy Feet’s beneficiaries. The race is inspired by the many school children in countries such as Cambodia who walk more than 3km to school either barefooted or in slippers – if there is a school nearby. By getting participants to walk in a similar distance in slippers, we hope people will put themselves in the shoes (or slippers!) of these underprivileged children and do their part to contribute towards them having a chance at education. For the younger participants, we hope they walk away with an appreciated for what they have been given, and feel inspired and empowered to do something for their counterparts who are less privileged. Though the event is not really a race in the competitive sense, we hope to send the message that there is a great urgency for us to do something about education for underprivileged children around the world, and that we should race against time to give our support and make that positive impact now.

About Project Happy Feet

Project Happy Feet is a Singapore-based not-for-profit organisation set up since 2009 to empower the lives of underprivileged youths and children in developing countries by supporting their education and training through fund-raising for education-related initiatives and programmes that positively impact them or their families. To date, Project Happy Feet has raised more than SGD 500,000 through its fund raising initiatives such as Chefs for a Cause in 2009, the Project Happy Feet Slipper Race since 2011 and supported more than 4,000 children and youth in Singapore, Vietnam, Cambodia and Nepal through its programmes.

Mission : To empower lives through education and training to alleviate poverty. 

Vision : A world where children go to school with happy feet, and poverty if alleviated.

Quick Facts:
Registered as Public Company limited by guarantee on 7 July 2009
Improves lives of underprivileged children and youths, especially in developing countries
Supports training- and education-related programmes and initiatives
Corporate Governance:
Funds fully audited (by H T Khoo & Associates)
100% of donations are designated for specific causes and are channeled to benefit identified beneficiaries
100% volunteer run
Operational costs underwritten by Emergenetics Caelan & Sage Pte Ltd (registered in Singapore since 2005)



The Project Happy Feet Slipper Race 2014 – Total Defence edition will benefit the following organisations:

THIS LIFE CAMBODIA (CAMBODIA) This Life Cambodia is a not-for-profit, non-government community development organisation with a focus on education. It provides technical advice and support to individuals, communities and non-profit organisations in Cambodia. Its ultimate goal is to help local people and groups become fully self-sustainable by providing educational and training opportunities, securing project funding, building infrastructure and creating networks to support their needs. Funds raised at the Project Happy Feet Slipper Race 2014 will be channeled towards the Lower Secondary School Development Program, focused at developing community competency in designing long-term sustainable solutions for schools in Siem Reap.

SPED FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE SCHEME BY COMMUNITY CHEST (SINGAPORE) The SPED Financial Assistance Scheme, a programme supported by Community Chest, provides financial assistance to needy students from special schools so that they can enjoy fully subsidized school fees, uniforms, textbooks and a 75% subsidy for national exam fees. The scheme aims to enable low-income families that face financial difficulties and challenges to support their children with special needs.

Race details

Event Date: Saturday, 22 February 2014

Event Time: Event ground opens at 3.00pm, Flag-off at 4:00pm sharp

Venue: Outside Singapore Management University School of Accounting

Distance: 3.6km

Race route:

Footwear: Slippers/Flip-Flops

Website / registration:


 Information and images taken from and

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