First and foremost, a big HI to everyone.
Sorry for being MIA for a pretty long while. As a final year student in University, I have been mugging and slogging my guts out for my final year project (FYP). I still am mugging now but have decided to take some time out to keep you guys posted.
So, I am aware that, or rather, I assume that most of you who are reading this now do enjoy and love running. Most of you have probably joined countless marathons, have tried coming up with various running routes that Singapore can offer, or, are trying to clock in your next marathon with a whole new record.
Yet, there is always the minority and we should not neglect that. Some of you who are reading this now are probably trying to find some new inspiration or ideas to lose weight, to stay fit or simply, to be healthier. Some might have signed up a marathon or a race due to peer pressure and are desperately trying to force yourself to get into a training mode now. Some might be trying to understand what make your loved ones or your partner love running that much.

Well, being just an ordinary girl who got into the habit of running since young, who went through a phase in which I ran daily so that I do not have to retake my NAPFA, to a young lady now who wishes she can join any marathons that interests her, I am here wishing that with my years of experiences in and passion for running, I am able to give you guys some tips to like and enjoy running. I may not be a professional athlete but I believe that is what might make these tips more useful and relatable to you guys.
1) Make sure you get a pair of running shoes that suits you. To do that, make sure you know your feet well. (Whether you have a pair of high-arched feet or low-arched feet). You can surf the net to know what type does your feet belong to (for example see here) or if you are still unsure about that, head to any sports outlets and the sales personnel there should be able to guide you about that. The Reebok outlets at Tampines Mall and Velocity provide such services. Trust me, a suitable pair of running shoes makes running a lot easier and enjoyable for you. The wrong pair of running shoes will in fact, cause injuries to you legs and posture.
2) If you are a music lover, download some of your favourite songs or songs that are more pumped-up into your iPod and bring it along with you for your run. Surveys have proven that listening to music does allow you to run a further distance and even, faster. Not to forget, if you do not know what are the songs that can allow you to feel more pumped-up for a run, just google “the top workout songs” and so on, a list of songs will appear.
3) If you are running to lose weight, do not expect an immediate effect. I know many of us do but let us face the reality, your body needs time too. After every run, look into the mirror and spot the slight improvements in it. The improvements might be little but patience pays off. In just a few months, you will be able to see the huge transformation you have been waiting for. It is also important to note that diet is a key factor to your management of your weight too so make sure your diet and your running routine go hand in hand. Do not let your diet ruin the efforts you have put into your runs.
4) If you are new at running, try not to start off too fast, too far or aim too high. Start off at a comfortable pace and aim to finish a distance that would not overstretch yourself. Make your 1st run a pleasant and enjoyable one. If your 1st run is a torturing one, I am pretty sure you will not want to run anymore.
5) If you are in need of motivations to run, get a running buddy, join a running club or sign up for a race! Make plans with your running buddy or aim to complete the race within your targeted timing. They are pretty good motivators.
6) If you have always found that running is a boring sport, try to find new running routes. Singapore might be small but we sure do have many running routes. We have the Park Connectors, the beaches, or even, you can run in town around Marina Bay Sands or Clarke Quay. You will be surprised at the scenery that these running routes can provide you with at times.
7) Learn to enjoy the feeling of sweating it out. There is no better feeling than sweating it out and feeling satisfied after completing a run.
So, here are the few tips that I have shared with you guys. Hope they are helpful and relatable to many of you!
You are always welcome to chip in your suggestions in the comments below!
Till next time,