My 4th Sundown Marathon… | JustRunLah!

My 4th Sundown Marathon…


And well… it was okay. Didn’t achieve my targeted finishing time, but still a good run nonetheless.

This year’s route had a new twist: the organisers added the climbing up and down of the Sheares bridge. It was indeed challenging, by the 34th km, I was already doing a walkathon, so I could only walk up the bridge slowly. For me, the rain at 20km was a welcome one! It chased the humidity away, and it was rather refreshing.

There were a few things that I didn’t like about this year’s race, one of it is definitely the need to stop traffic (and vice versa) in order to continue the race. This literally breaks any momentum and for a event this big, I simply feel that it is wrong. I did not experience any water stations running out of juice, but there were complains of water running out at certain hydration points. It’s a repeat every year, the organisers really need to look into it. I also didn’t like the other gimmicks like the glow zones (which in my opinion, is a complete joke!), and how in the world did 2,000 runners gets their results lost in technology? Small but critical thing… hopefully they can only get better.

Well, this one is done and dusted, I’ll be looking forward to the next 42km, and hopefully to achieve a new personal best the next time.

Cover photo credit: Running Shots

Hitman's interests include badminton, soccer, swimming, photography, tech stuff, he is a fan of the Manchester United Football Club and maintains his personal blog.

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