Mok Ying Ren and Mok Ying Rong: Tips on Running Injuries | JustRunLah!

Tips on Running Injuries by the Mok siblings


10616595_10152732506044846_2067570058837524772_nMok Ying Ren and Mok Ying Rong: Tips on Running Injuries

2013 Sea Games Marathon Gold Medallist Mok Ying Ren and his sister Mok Ying Rong are both household names in the running field.

And besides running, they also have medical expertise. Mok Ying Ren is a doctor in the Singapore Army while his younger sister is a physiotherapy student.

I tapped on the expertise of these two talented siblings and asked them some questions on running injuries. Here are a few tips that they shared.

Prevention of injuries

Mok Ying Ren feels that injuries can be prevented by practising patience in training. His sister, on the other hand, says that regular physiotherapy biomechanical assessments are important to nip any high-risk muscular imbalances in the bud before they develop into injuries.

Do not run when there is pain

Both siblings agree that it is not advisable to keep on running when you start to feel a niggling of pain that doesn’t go away when you are running. By simply hoping that the pain will disappear with more running, you are only doing more harm to yourself, according to both Ying Ren and Ying Rong.

10348174_10152743591439846_8388786398589408767_nKinesiology Taping

To both Mok Ying Ren and Mok Ying Rong too, kinesiology taping is useful to help realign joints and reduce pain, thus aiding in recovery of the muscles after sustaining an unwanted injury.

Resting and Running

To prevent injuries and to remain a healthy and active runner, it is important to get enough sleep – according to both Mok siblings. They add that after a hard training session, getting some sleep helps the body to recover and to let the mind have some time to rejuvenate and refresh itself.

Know your body

Last but not least, knowing your body is very important for happy, safe and effective running, while remaining injury-free at the same time.

Click here for more injury prevention tips by the Mok siblings.



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