Hi there!
Take one look at me and you will never guess that I am a runner.
I am short, and sometimes walk funny. This is due to a previous injury, my hips hurt when I stand too long or when I just completed an intense exercise (like running). Yet, I do actually take part in a few races every year – runs, biathlons and triathlons…or at least I make an attempt to participate 😛
But take a closer look at my feet and perhaps you can tell that I do run.
That is because I have blistered and super ugly feet. Since young, I developed bunions and they hurt with most shoes that I wear for any long periods of time. Despite changing many pairs of running shoes, many blisters still form, every single time (on both feet), when I do a long run. Still, being the stubborn mule, I just try to minimise pain by taping my bunions, wearing the right pair of socks and putting on the broadest pair of running shoes available for my short feet….and then I just suck it up and run! However, it can get very embarrassing when I can’t wear footwear, like at a yoga class, or when I go for a foot massage.
Ok, so back to the story of why I still continue to torture myself, my hips and my feet. I love all sports but running is the simplest and most convenient form of exercise. You don’t need to assemble a team, you don’t need any equipment; you just need a pair of running shoes. Then again, barefoot running is quite trendy, so maybe you don’t even need shoes to start!

I don’t have a runner’s bod or legs, but I run because I want to. I run because I can (for now…) and will continue to do so until my body gives way. It is also a form of discipline for me where I will set aside time at least once or twice a week to run. Most people run many times a week to clock the target distance when training for a marathon, but for me, the strategy has to be different as I suffer when I run too much. So, I do other forms of exercise like yoga and swimming so as not to overstrain my hips and blistered feet too much.
My first marathon (Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon) was when I set a goal for my 30th birthday and after that I told myself that it was going to be my last. However, in February this year, I ran the Tokyo Marathon nine years later! And next March, I will be doing the Nagoya Women’s Marathon…. so never say never!
Despite the pain, if a race brings me to a different city with a new experience, you will find me there 🙂
PS: Do look out for my future posts on overseas runs.