Race Review: Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2014 [21km] (by ‘slowrunner’) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore 2014 [21km] (by ‘slowrunner’)


Go fast enough to complete, but slow enough to enjoy

This was my third participation at Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore and I completed my third half marathon for 2014!

The 6.30am flag off was at Sentosa Gateway and a sunrise greeted the runners at the starting point. The route was pretty challenging as it started off with mini slopes inside Sentosa for the first 4 to 5km before reaching Keppel Way and AYE where there was barely any shelter from the hot sun.

Left: Penguins from Madagascar, Right: Me

While inside Universal Studios, I decided to stop (which I normally wont at all) and took some selfies with the cute mascots.

Left: Me, Right: Princess Fiona from Shriek
Christmas Tree inside USS
on West Coast Highway, under the cable cars
Energy shot! 

I managed to grab a pack of Shotz’s energy gel at one of the water points and it was wild berry flavoured! This was extra boost to conquer the long stretch of AYE before approaching the padang finally.

Downloaded the SCMS mobile app and checked my results. This is not my ‘personal best’ timing but it was one of the best runs with many motivating runners!


Special thanks to all the tough training sessions done with Safra Jurong Running Club as well as the bodycombat and bodypump classes at Fitness First. Looking forward to more great and awesome trainings and races in 2015!


I decided to be a contributor to for because I run a lot and I think it's a pity to let these experiences gone to waste which can otherwise be great tips to others who have just started or potentially going to start running. I run because I aspire to lead a healthy lifestyle and quit smoking. And along the way, the journey has made me discover new meaningful things and made many precious fun loving friends.

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