Banana Relay – The Fine World of Friendship | JustRunLah!

Banana Relay – The Fine World of Friendship


Well Captain Canada has just completed his final race of the year and is feeling (As Tony the Tiger would say) Grrrrrreeeeattttt!!!!!

I figured maybe this week I would tone down my nonsense a little bit and give a normal review for once… Then I thought to myself… who the heck am I kidding I can’t do that I am Captain Canada LOL.

Anyways this weekend I had the pleasure of participating in one of my favorite events of the year hosted by the outstanding group The Runners Guild. What a classy bunch of runners whom I have to commend on putting on a great event. I will give my rating upfront and say 10/10. Awesome event, great spirits, tons of photographers to capture the beauty within Captain Canada’s pain and a delicious meal at the end.

Hats off to you all from Runner’s Guild for an amazing morning you really taught me something this weekend.. What you may ask?? The power of Friendship. It was a small event on a Sunday with a close group of friends which is what really made this special.

I will keep this brief and would love people to add to this list, but after this weekend I thought I will put together of the types of friends that accompany us while training, competing or living our daily lives.

Without Further Ado I would like to call this list Captain Canada’s guide to understanding your running or life companions.

1) The Spouse : Well Ladies and Gents I think opinions may differ here, but let’s just say don’t bring sand to the beach. If you are anything like Captain Canada running is my way to relieve stress not create it haha. Opinions?



2) The Drunken Friend: What could I possibly say about this one haha. This is that friend who has the brilliant idea of drinking the night before a race… oh it’s only 8km and you can even eat the Banana while you run…. Let’s just say waking up at 6AM last Friday was that moment your stomach is either getting a $500 drinking on subway ticket, or being brought down by the Singapore Task Force.





3) The Complainer: This is my Favorite lol…. Common complaints I hear… Man this is boring let’s go drink a beer….. Dude why didn’t we fill           our water bottles full of beer.. water is for wimps (hmmmm).. Bro slow down man I drank too much… last……… nigh… wait a minute I just           realized the complainer friend of mine is also the drunken haha.


4) The Ultra Runner: First of all I would like to ask you guys.. You do know the movie Forest Gump was only a movie right?? You send me home in tears after each training/ race and look up into the sky wondering why I was cursed with lactic acid in these legs. Damn you hahaha.

5) The brother/sister from anotha motha: These are the friends till the end, but also the ones that base every decision off of their own limits lol. Common examples of this would be….. Im Gei Gei DNF ultra marathon with you don’t worry you will finish. Well sounds like a great idea let’s do it. See pic below of how that turns out. Good things is at least they won’t take pics of me dying on the ground.


6) The Clown: This is the person who loves watching you suffer. The are waiting for that moment where you are lying on the ground dying to go      paparazzi on you. Where do you think the pic above comes from haha.


7) The guy who always has to use the toilet: What can I even say about this besides I learnt how to utilize 8 squares of toilet paper best from them lol (See previous post)

This might actually help hahahahaha.

I want to cut it short here because I would love to hear others opinions on this. I really do feel there are so many other types of friends we train/ run with and I want to hear it. Oh  see some pics below of some of my favorite friends.




Again thank you to the Runners Guild for an amazing event and inspiring me to think about all the lovely people I come across in my adventures.

Captain Canada is off to see his lovely fiance for x mas and heading to Canada till February. I will be back with a vengeance in the new year with tales from the land of Ice and Snow.

Happy Holiday all and have an amazing new year. till 2015! Captain Canada up and awayyyy!

Happy Holidays

Captain Canada
Captain Canada
I have always had a great passion for athletics, but back in my younger days I never thought it would be marathoning. As a young chap I have always been involved in various athletics and as the injuries mounted the decision to hit the pavement became a great option. Now that I am leaving my 20's and heading into my 30's I hope to add to my 10+ competitive races and looking forward to hitting the 10,000km mark. Almost there haha. By day I am known as Jon the boring finance guy, by morning and night I am known as Captain Canada ( No Costume yet till I can handle the Singaporean heat). Looking forward to sharing my antics and races with you all.

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