Running guide to Pandan Reservoir | JustRunLah!

Running guide to Pandan Reservoir


A good alternative in the west

Singapore streets are filled with runners, yet, I feel like Pandan Reservoir has not received the attention it deserves. That’s why I’ve been wanting to write about it ever since I first ran it (many months ago), but only now I got the time to get around it. I hope you will enjoy this guide!

How to get there

At the time I was staying at the NUS campus. I used to run a lot along Commonwealth Avenue West which is one of the ways you can reach Pandan Reservoir. Commonwealth Avenue West has a wide sidewalk allowing for uninterrupted and comfortable running, so if you you want to visit Pandan Reservoir and you are coming from the east, I suggest you take this way.

Looking the map now, it seems that at some point Commonwealth Avenue West is renamed to Boon Lay Way, but that doesn’t matter that much. Just keep on running west. Approximately 2.5 km after passing Clementi you will need to make left into the canal walkway, just before you hit International Business Center. There are Park Connector signs and markings so it’s hard to miss. From the PCN entrance to Pandan Reservoir is about 1.5 km. Running down the canal is quite nice itself. There are a few trees offering shade and people biking or taking a stroll. There is lighting along the way for nighttime runs/walks. Further down along the PCN you will have to cross AYE, but fret not, since there is an overpass allowing you to do so without getting out of your way.

entry to pandan canal
Just before reaching International Business Center, take a left into the PCN shown right after this bridge.
pandan river singapore running
The PCN running along the canal, leading to Pandan Reservoir
pandan river aye singapore
Overpass AYE on the way to Pandan Reservoir

Soon enough you will find yourself at West Coast Road where the elevated path can be seen. Climb up the slope to access the jogging path and for a better view of the reservoir. There is not much to say from here on… Just Run Lah!

A few things to keep in mind

The reservoir has a circumference of 6 km and it is totally unshaded. I once made the mistake of running there at a very hot day around noon, and at some points the heat became almost unbearable. So plan your run carefully!

Hydration might become a problem since you are running completely on your own. I only saw one public water point / toilet along the way, at the corner of Penjuru Road and West Coast Road. There is also a canoeing club / gym (I think it’s the Singapore Rowing Association) at the other “corner” of the reservoir (you can’t really say “corner” for such a shape, but I feel it still makes sense somehow); the guys there were kind enough to offer me some cool water. I am marking these points for you at the map that follows.


Overall, I think that it’s a great place to run, and an excellent alternative for the runners who prefer more quiet and off-beat routes. Let me know your stories and favourite routes, and see you around!

I started running a few years ago to get in shape, but it was not long before I got hooked on. I moved to Singapore in mid-2013 and I have been loving my time ever since. I think it's an amazing place to live, work and... run! Plenty of routes and an amazing selection of running events to take part in. I have not seen anything like this before! I am updating this blog as I keep on exploring the city, and wish to share my experiences about local and overseas events with fellow runners!

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