Chinese New Year is around the corner again and Big Bone Guy suggested visiting Chinatown to take a look at this year’s decorations. The fact is, we are more keen on the breakfast choices around Chinatown than the decorations, but it is as good as any excuse just to visit Chinatown for our morning run.
While warming up at the open area in front of China Town Point, I notice a McDonald paper cup sitting on the marble ledge of the subway entrance. The issue of littering has been brought up recently by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong and some other top ministers. Here is my favorite quote by ESM Goh, “Without foreign workers, Singapore is likely to become a ‘garbage city'”
Instead of the usual running scenery, I decided to do a “Singapore Litter Race” by taking photos of some of the more atrocious littering examples which I encountered on a early Sunday morning. My ITB injury has gotten worse since the Bizad Charity Run and I can only cover a short 3km today. Let’s see some of the results:

Is it that hard to bring your litter to a nearby dustbin? In Singapore downtown area, there is a dustbin every 20 paces away and yet people could not be bother to walk that few meters to a bit of arm power to hurl the trash into a dustbin.
Welcome to the ugly side of Singapore!
Meanwhile, for those who are still interested in the Chinese New Year decoration at Chinatown, here is the only picture which I took.

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