Race Review: Green Corridor 2015 – “Start The Race, Start The Race” (by ‘Captain Canada’) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: Green Corridor 2015 – “Start The Race, Start The Race” (by ‘Captain Canada’)



It has been a long time since I wrote last, but I would like to say Captain Canada is back! I hope you all missed my antics as I have missed writing about them. This is my second race of 2015, but there cannot be a better race to write aboot eh!

Where do I begin with this one? Well I guess it all starts with my anticipation to running this event. I read some great blogs from last year’s race that had me pumped up to run. Being my first official trail race I’m sure all the runners our there could feel my joy of getting off the mean streets and enjoying nature.

As a Canadian fellow there are a few things that I truly enjoy in life:

1) Nature- The smell of the trees, the sound of the animals and the cool breeze flowing through my hair.

2) Friendship (see last blog).

3) Competition- Or in the case of trail running a competition of who can trip least over anything and everything.


So without further ado my review of the Green Corridor Run 2015.

After a late Friday night packed full of misadventure and delicious beer my stomach was felt like it was on trial for mischief. As Saturday night came around Captain Canada in true form pulled himself together and got his head in the game.

Off goes the Old Car Horn Alarm again and I shoot out of bed like an Apollo mission with 1 goal in mind… What is that goal….. Destroying number 2 (Friendship) from above with number 3 (Competition). Now I know everyone who participates in a running event will never admit it, but when we see anyone especially our friends passing us on the course a secret rage grows from within. LOL.

My Colleagues had the chance to move to Wave 1 which I had been too late to do before racepack collection. As we walk up to Wave 1 security I was shaken down and told I cannot enter the first wave. I am very impressed by the security team and they should be given jobs immediately at the airport security desks… Hats off my friends… You win this time.


So lonely I wait and wait and wait for the second wave to begin. Under the 9 Million Degrees Celsius (Or in American 150 Million Fahrenheit) I was baking like a White potato haha. The only complaint I have at all is the fact that the crowd was cheering more to “Start the Race, Start the Race” then the announcers Lame-O Jokes lol.

So off I go front of the pack. I will say I felt like a real champion for about the first 5 km as only a small group of us stayed out front. I will say I absolutely loveeeee trail running, but hateeeeeee the weather here. Flashbacks of the Standard Charter Full were dancing in my head as I felt the temperature rise.

Sun Sun Sun more Sun and here we are at 9km. I was impressed with myself for hitting the 9km Mark in around 48 minutes or so…. Then….. Disaster strikes. I don’t know how this happens, but I would love to hear from others, but it felt as if I were about to spontaneously combust into flames. At this point there was no other option for me but to take a 2 minutes walking break, or have a friend write my obituary lol.


2 Minutes go by and the competitive nature of being a Canadian kicked in as the CEO of my company whom I had beat in the bull charge went flying past me. What he doesn’t know is I actually enjoy my job and beating him twice is as good as a pink slip on Monday morning.

10km and them 10.5km and Done! Dizzy and spent I wonder if the race volunteers handing out water realized they saved a man’s life this fine day.

With a time on the Polar watch of 56.49 I am happy, but not satisfied and am looking forward to improving on this next year.

All in All minus a few small hiccups I give the Green Corridor run a 7 out of 10. Please start this earlier next year. 10 AM is absolutely painful to run in for a pasty white Canuck.

Captain Canada
Captain Canada
I have always had a great passion for athletics, but back in my younger days I never thought it would be marathoning. As a young chap I have always been involved in various athletics and as the injuries mounted the decision to hit the pavement became a great option. Now that I am leaving my 20's and heading into my 30's I hope to add to my 10+ competitive races and looking forward to hitting the 10,000km mark. Almost there haha. By day I am known as Jon the boring finance guy, by morning and night I am known as Captain Canada ( No Costume yet till I can handle the Singaporean heat). Looking forward to sharing my antics and races with you all.

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