Race Review: Venus Run 2015 [5km] (by ‘runforfun’) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: Venus Run 2015 [5km] (by ‘runforfun’)


Yesterday was 8 March 2015. To all ladies out there, Happy International Women’s Day aka 三八妇女节!

This is my second year joining Venus Run and it was held in the morning unlike the previous year where it was in the evening. And therefore, my friends were late. Without having to do any warmup prior to the race, we left the starting point at about 5 min after the flagoff timing. Since being slightly late, there is a slight human jam till about 2 km of the route.

At about 1 km into my run, the top runners like Vanja Cnops and Mok Ying Rong have already u-turned and completed about 3 km of their run. Every one of us along the other side of the route were all clapping and cheering for the returning runners as we continued running.

Sadly, I was unable to hit my goal timing of 25min that I aimed to do this year. Partly it is due to human jam but I think most of it is due to lack of training and warmup prior to the race. All in all, this race is good to join with friends and have fun.

Next up, 2XU Compression Run!!!


Amateur runner that started running only 10km races since 2012 but from now on due to motivation by fellow runners, I am going to achieve more. Starting by going for longer distances and achieving better timings. Come join me together as we achieve as much as we have fun =D

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