Heroes’ Run | JustRunLah!

Heroes’ Run


Your breathing is laboured. You are drenched in sweat. You have lost all sense of time, but it feels as if you’ve been running for an eternity. The hard asphalt that jarred your joints, the inclines of the winding trail sucked your energy, and as you dig your heels into the shifting sands, your muscles start to cramp, and you wonder whose great idea it was to design such a punishing race route. You grit your teeth and repeat the mantra “one last km… one last km…”

But as you cross the finish line and embrace the sweet relief of taking a much-needed rest, consider this: there are those among you right now, whose responsibility require them to be ready at any moment to run as you just have with one big difference – there is no known finish line.

Singapore’s toughest 10KM race route was specially designed to evoke certain life values to recognise Home Team NSmen’s contributions to make Singapore safe and secure. Our NSmen work tirelessly to serve our community, day in, day out.


Each day may present an opportunity to run yet another “race” to safeguard the lives around them. A race against time to prevent a crime, or even saving a person’s life. The race has no pre-determined distance – it might simply be a 200m sprint, or a much longer chase. The race has no pre-planned route – they may have to run up flights of stairs, in the mud, and of course, the road, the trails, and even on the sand. The race has no “hydration points”, nor “fuel stations”, no supporters cheering them on, and no finish line in sight until the job is done and dusted.

So, as you revel in your performance at the 10th edition of the HomeTeamNS REAL Run, take a moment to look around you, into the faces of the people who run a “daily race” in the name of serving our country and protecting us, as well as our loved ones. To the SPF & SCDF NSmen, we salute you!

Happy 20th anniversary HomeTeamNS REAL Run!…


Use promo code JRLRR2015 during registration and get a $5.00 discount from the public fee.

Special price after discount:

10km 5km
Early Bird period $ 50 $ 40
Normal Period $ 55 $ 45

Find out more information about the race and register now at realrun.sg!

JustRunLah! is the Official Online Media for Real Run 2015
Team JustRunLah!
Team JustRunLah!
We were born to run! - We use this account to post news, race updates and press releases.

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