lo and behold | JustRunLah!

lo and behold


A ho-hum week thus far: an unproductive day of modern day distractions, followed by absolute drudgery of paper shuffling. Where’s the midweek pick-me-up when you need one?

To reinstate the sense of purpose, I set out to complete a ten kilometer run. I wasn’t certain if my body could handle another long run as my mileage this week has been climbing steadily. If the plan is to run till my sunset years, I have to be smart about my training. Granted, it’s unrealistic to think I could still run with the same intensity when I hit my golden years; at the very least, I hope to keep running and stay nimble.

Having been sidelined due to overused injuries, I tread with caution – push hard but be cognizant of the body’s limitation. With that in mind, I have since cross trained and rest adequately to condition the body for the long haul.

Today, armed with a conservative training plan, I started slow and plough on. At about the half way mark, I was light on my feet and beaming. Half the battle and I feel strong to go all the way. A lull breeze propelled me and I surged with a renewed dose of energy. A runner’s high. All the hard work and discipline paid off in the end – I finished strong and pain-free.

Upon reaching the doorway,  a lovely bloom on one of the okra plants stopped me in my tracks. The delicate yellow flower with deep purplish throat greeted me, full of possibilities. For a grower and a lover of nature, this is a joy to behold. A delightful run capped off by one of the many marvels of Mother Nature.

What you least expect can throw you off guard or make your day. In this instance, the latter happens. I lingered outside a bit longer than usual, admiring the pretty sight before the self-pollinating flower is replaced by the pod tomorrow. Double happiness in every sense of the word.

My blog - A runner's narrative: how running has changed my outlook in life. Why I run - Running is liberating as well as calming. When life throws me a curve ball, I run to clear the head and start afresh.

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