How many of these running acronyms / terms do you know? | JustRunLah!

How many of these running acronyms / terms do you know?


Common Running Acronyms

PB: Personal Best.

DNS: Did Not Start.

DNF: Did Not Finish.

NR: National Record.

WR: World Record.

GPS: Running watches / Apps with a tracking function track your distance with a high degree of accuracy.

LSD: Long Slow Distance.

BPM: Beats Per Minute.

ITB: Iliotibial band syndrome. A painful injury which runs from the hip, down the thigh, across the knee, and through the shin.

BQ: Boston Qualifier. Runners trying to achieve a finish time that gets them entry into the Boston Marathon.

MUT: Mountain. Ultra. Trail.

Common Running Terms

Fartlek: A speed workout in which you add short, variable speed burst.

Pronation: The way the foot strikes the ground while running. If a runner is an overpronator, their foot rolls inward. If a runner has excessive wear on the outside of their running shoes, they are likely to be an underpronator.

Chafing: Rubbing cause painful skin un-comfort in areas such as inner thighs and armpits.

Drafting: A race strategy where you run behind another runner. As they block the wind and you cruise through the kilometres.

Hitting the Wall: Also known as “bonking” during a race. A sudden loss of energy.

Taper: Weeks before a big race, a runner will decrease their total running mileage to store energy.

Runner’s High: A term given to the feeling of euphoria that is induced by running.

Carbo Loading: Consuming pasta and bread prior to a big race.

Minimalise: Lower, lighter running shoes as compared to cushioned and highly heeled models.

Plantar fasciitis: A common runner’s medical condition. Pain and stiffness in the heel.

VO2 Max: A runner aerobic capacity. A runner’s maximum oxygen intake.

Negative Splits: A runner runs the second half faster than the first.

Aerobic Exercise: Long in duration but low in intensity.

Anaerobic Exercise: Short in duration but high in intensity.

Tempo Run: Holding a hard pace for twenty minutes period during a run.

Jarin T
Jarin T
A couch potato-turned-runner and now a sports editor who runs and races actively, I have experienced almost everything and anything it takes for someone to transform into a runner. Cooling weather, scenic routes and a handful of running buddies make up my favourite running combo. Let's run free, run well and run happy!

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