Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2015 [21km] (by ‘runforfun’) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: 2XU Compression Run 2015 [21km] (by ‘runforfun’)


Finally 2xu Compression Run 2015 is here. This is the first time that I participated in this race. And also this is the first time that I have to wake up at 2 am for a run. However it was super worth it!

The race is a dreaded route of running to East Coast Park and back to Marina Barrage. I usually do not do good in runs that are very monotonous but it is a very easy terrain with no slopes.

I started at about 50m away from tbe pacers. After the start of the race, I rushed off to try to catch up to the 2.10 pacers as I was aiming to finish the race at 2.15. I have no problems running at about the first 10km of the race but my feet started cramping. I decided to let the 2.10 pacers pass me and I try to reduce my speed and drink more at the water stations which are plenty and motivating. However once out of East Coast Park, the motivation came back and finished the race at about 2 hr 11min which is a PB for me!

This is also the first time I finished a race just before the sun came up which is rather cool. Also, thanks to starting the race so early that it so cooling so that many people did they PBs too.



Amateur runner that started running only 10km races since 2012 but from now on due to motivation by fellow runners, I am going to achieve more. Starting by going for longer distances and achieving better timings. Come join me together as we achieve as much as we have fun =D

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