It’s with trepidation I start every single running race nowadays. An ongoing problem with my ankle post injury in March, means that I never really know how I will manage on the day of the race. Having been committed to the Trifactor Series since I registered last year, regardless of how I feel, I continue to show up and participate the best way I can.
With hubby by my side, a pillar of strength every time I need him, we take off at a respectable 7.45am (if you’ve read my OSIM Pre-Race Review you’ll know we are not morning people) from Gardens by the Bay East headed towards Marina Barrage to the Cloud Dome return. Along the way we bumped into friends who were completing their 24km and 12km categories.
As the route stretches out before me and only a mere 5km at that, I concentrate on 100m completions at a time. Maintaining a pace of 6.57 for the first kilometre, it was short lived. The stretch in my ligaments causes havoc forcing me to power walk and reduced my pace to approximately 8.2km/h for the next two kilometers. Frustrated, I know there’s nothing much I can do but that doesn’t help when the mind is willing and the body is not.
Throughout the race, John sticks by my side, letting me lead the way in whatever way it suits me best. Often I will jog flat footed on my left foot and mid-footed on my right (this is the injured foot) which creates all sorts of issues with changing my gait and adding too much pressure on my left calf muscle. By the time I crossed the barrage on the return trip, I could see John struggling to maintain my dodgy pace and I suggested he go ahead and finish the last two kilometers at his own pace. It also ensured one of us was there for our daughter’s 1km flag-off.

As I crossed the barrage, I picked up the pace a bit with a mix of running and power-walking. I finally crossed the finish line at 41min with an average pace of 7.48. Not out of this world for any regular runner but certainly a satisfying end given the circumstances and just in time for Trini’s race.

Once again Trini is racing with her buddy Justin. Another race they are both completing on their own without any parents by their side. We took position near the end to watch them come through the finish line. Justin typically is flying past, whilst Trini is keeping it steady so she can last without having to walk. She was extremely happy with herself declaring how she ran the whole way without stopping. This would have been her first time.

Img credit: Running Shots
With the 3rd sporting event completed, we are now waiting for the Triathlon which is the final leg in late August to wrap up the Trifactor Series.
It has certainly been a very interesting year for me filled with mental and physical challenges. For now I will be happy to complete the Series and look forward to a time when my injured ankle doesn’t dominate each racing event or my writing for that matter.
Cheers for now.