Photo Diary – SG50 National Day Run | JustRunLah!

Photo Diary – SG50 National Day Run


It has been raining hard for the past 3 days and the skies cleared on the morning of 9th August 2015. The day is the 50th Jubilee birthday of the miracle city state Singapore and SG Unfit Runners decided to pay a visit to Marina Bay, where all the action will be later during the evening. We celebrated the nation birthday using different ways. I decided to take photos around the Bay area while Big Boned Guy tried to trace the number “50” on his Nike run app. Fang Tai ran down Orchard Road (I don’t see how that’s symbolic but it is probably a girl thing) while Lazy Girl overslept and turned up for Breakfast-After-The-Run.

It's 730am in the morning and there is already a crowd at the normally deserted Merlion Park
It’s 730am in the morning and there is already a crowd at the normally deserted Merlion Park
Security personnel patrols all around the Bay area.
Security personnel patrols all around the Bay area.
Our men in green turning up early preparing for a long day ahead. Kudos!
Our men in green turning up early preparing for a long day ahead. Kudos!

Visit SG Unfit Runners for more routes for absolutely unfit people. Don’t visit us if you are very fit and do ultramarathons without breaking a sweat! SG Unfit Runners is an award winner at the Singapore Blog Awards.

SG Unfit Runners
SG Unfit Runners
We are a bunch of unfit Singaporeans in their 30s. We are too fat, too thin, unfit for military service, injured with knees, ankles problems, busy with kids and probably drink and eat too much with too little exercise. After a near death experience, a friend encouraged me to take up running and the first 1km run nearly killed me. I decided to work out more often after that and started a running routine. A little running group was later formed after I shared with some of my friends on my efforts to keep fit. We do short runs from 2km to 5km and marathons are definitely out as most of us probably won't survive the first 10 km. The idea of a blog began when we started traveling around Singapore to do our runs because we have group members living in the east, north, northwest and west. The idea of rotating around different areas of Singapore came about as we argued for our case to run in an area closer to our homes, and also to spice up our runs when we got bored of our usual running areas. Thus, SG Unfit Runners is born.

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