Ubin WayFinder 2015 – Navigate, Explore and Race! | JustRunLah!

Ubin WayFinder 2015 – Navigate, Explore and Race!


Largest and Only Public Orienteering Race in Ubin!

The annual Ubin WayFinder 2015 is back this coming 1 November 2015, held at the rustic and scenic Pulau Ubin. Ubin Wayfinder provides racers a rare opportunity to explore the vast nature landscape that Ubin has to offer – Areas that tarred roads cannot reach. 

Image credit: Ubin WayFinder
Image credit: Ubin WayFinder

Race Venue – Pulau Ubin, Singapore’s Last Kampung

Pulau Ubin is situated just off the north-eastern corner of mainland Singapore and is home to Singapore’s last kampung and villages. Be prepared to embark on a time travel journey back to the 1960s and where the rustic beauty and well-preserved heritage of the island continues to draw visitors and avid explorers year after year.

Image credit: Ubin WayFinder
Image credit: Ubin WayFinder

Unique Race Format – Orienteering Race

Ubin Wayfinder will be structured in a sequence-based Orienteering Race – a sport originated from over 100 years ago which involves natural obstacles, navigation, and endurance.

The race categories for Ubin WayFinder 2015 includes the competitive Ubin Open Solo (10km) , Ubin Sprint Duo (8km) and Ubin Mixed Duo (6km), as well as non-competitive Ubin Explore (4-6km)

To win the race, participants have to be (1) fastest in following the fixed sequence from Start to Finish and (2) accurate navigation of all checkpoints prescribed on the Race Map.

For non-competitive Ubin Explorers,  they will be given a map with all the actual checkpoints used for the competitive category and score points upon checking in at each station. 

Get Ready For Adrenaline and Adventure

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Get your navigational skills and adventurous spirit ready and sign up for Ubin Wayfinder 2015! JRL readers are entitled to an exclusive 10% discount with this promo code: UBINRUNLAH
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