16 Virtues to ace any race – #4: Focus | JustRunLah!

16 Virtues to ace any race – #4: Focus


Just like the fitness industry with their #fitspo, inspiring marathoners would tell you that the key to their training success is consistency. We jump from fitness trends like popcorns ready to be eaten – from Bikram Yoga to Powerlifting. The thing is, training for a race requires you to stay focused. Focus on the training plan you’ve decided on and the goal pace you’re working towards.

Your training plan is meant to protect you from injuries and ensure that you’re developing your strength (upper, core and lower), endurance and power holistically. The only acceptable change is when you’re adding speed to your workout or looking at new running routes for motivation on your long runs. The fundamentals of your training does not change.

BUT, we get it.

It can be difficult staying energised and let alone focused for every single training. So we’re here to share you 3 methods to do just that.

#1 When eating an elephant, take one bite at a time

If the mileage seems too intimidating, break them up into bite-sized distances. Do a 4-km round loop to cover 8km and tell yourself ‘Let me finish this loop first.’ For hill sprints, focus on that 1-rep and tell yourself that you want quality over quantity. Think about whether you’re maintaining proper form, or maintaining a consistent pace for a long run and focus on the one bite you have ready at your spoon.

#2 Listen to audiobooks

Unlike music, which is more about having a beat that matches the rhythm of your pace, audiobooks keep you engaged. You aren’t thinking so much about whether this song is too fast or too slow. It’s an additional entertainment during your run. Some of us listen to podcast or the radio to keep updated as well.

#3 Run with a friend

Both of you keep each other on track with pacing. For tempo runs, where you’re supposed to keep your exertion level just above conversational but below breathlessness (so you should be able to talk in choppy sentences), you can track how well you’re keeping to the training pace as well.

Often times, the best motivation is progress. So when you see yourself improving, celebrate it. This would encourage you to stay on track and focused.

Shereen Ng is on track to pursuing a Master’s Degree in Technology Management under the Renaissance Engineering Programme. She is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer and DrSears Certified Wellness Coach. Personally crazy about health and fitness, she spends every last minute she has perfecting squats and doing long runs.

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