5 Benefits For Runners – U Run All Access | JustRunLah!

5 Benefits For Runners – U Run All Access


Are you an avid runner who joins several races a year? Some races may not come cheap, and the total amount you spend on races in a year may total up to an enormous sum. The U Run All Access running package by U Sports may very well be the solution to your money woes!

The U Run All Access is an annual package, which comes with three race credits to partner races in Singapore. Here are 5 benefits for runners who sign up for U Run All Access:

#1 Get Discounts For Your Races!

The 3-run package is priced at $158 and allows package holders to enjoy guaranteed slots to 3 of their favourite races available under the List of Runs in 2016. For members who participate in more than three races a year, there is another perk for being a package holder – additional runs at partner races are priced at a flat rate of just $50 per race. This means that members can save up to 50% off their race registration by being a U Run All Access package holder!

Here’s a list of some runs we’ve had this year (list is not exhaustive):

  • Standard Chartered Marathon
  • Sundown Marathon
  • 2XU Compression Run
  • Newton Challenge
  • TRI-Factor Run
  • NTUC Income Run 350
  • Marina Run
  • Garfield Run
  • DC Justice League Run
  • Brooks Run Happy
  • CSC Run By The Bay
  • Runners Convention + MacRitchie Run
Photo credits: Newton Challenge
Photo credits: Newton Challenge

#2 Hassle-Free Registration

Hassle-free and ease of registration for races as guaranteed slots will be reserved for package holders. When a running event is open for registration, package holders will be notified. They can then log in to the U Run All Access portal to register for the race by utilising their run credits.

#3 Train With The Best

If you have been running for some time and trying to find ways to improve yourself, perhaps you can seek some professional advice. Members can take part in U Sports’ range of workshops and seminars, which are coached by specialists and elite runners, to better prepare themselves for the races.

Sign up now and get exclusive benefits as a U Run All Access package holder now!

#4 Never Run Alone

There will also be weekly runs with the U Sports running groups, at various locations such as One Marina Boulevard, Novena Velocity and Downtown East. These runs are held throughout the year and led by professionals, ensuring that runners can enjoy quality training and better themselves through regular training. This is also a good opportunity to meet other like-minded runners and get a few running buddies along the way!

#5 Be Pampered After A Race


What better way to treat yourself after a race? Get to rest and relax at the U Run All Access booth at selected races while enjoying complimentary refreshments and more importantly, a good ole’ massage to relieve those sore muscles.

While the U Run Access is exclusive to NTUC members only, non-NTUC members can also sign up for a one-year NTUC membership together with the U Run All Access package at $245, and enjoy the best of NTUC membership and the U Run All Access privileges.

URUNAA 2016 Poster

Sign up now and get exclusive benefits as a U Run All Access package holder!

Shu focuses on managing content on our portal. She believes in possibilities and is constantly discovering new abilities and pushing new limits. When she is not writing articles, she is trying her hands at designing.

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