Gei Gei Running Club Overseas Coney Island Run | JustRunLah!

Gei Gei Running Club Overseas Coney Island Run


Went to a running event organised by Gei Gei Running Club, this is my second run with them and I really enjoyed myself for both runs. And hopefully they will have more runs coming up and hopefully all their upcoming running events I may be able to attend ?

Although is a torture to pull myself out of bed early in the morning on weekends, but I would rather wake up early than become a roast oink oink(although my skin tone already shows that I’m very roasted but I shall not further roast myself ?)

This time, we run from Punggol Waterfront to Coney Island and back. The dress theme of this run is tourist and cabin crew, and it’s pretty cool that some people super effort to dress up and go.


And I must really say that the event organisers sibeh effort, it is a run that there is no entry fees, but they provide very good after run refreshments for the runners! Really really appreciate it! And what I love most is the creativity and the design of the running bibs for the runners, it’s in the format of the passport. Although is not a must to wear it and a few people did not put it on but I think it’s too cute that I have to wear it ?


When the organisers announced that we will be going on a slow run I was super happy as I’m suffering from body aches from my pole fitness class yesterday (I call it pole fitness because it’s more of a fitness than dance, try climbing up a pole or hook yourself upside down on it is not easy) but then I felt kena ‘cheated’, apparently our definition and understanding of the word ‘slow’ is different ? Had a tough time chasing. The route is estimated to be 10km but I don’t hero because I got pole fitness practice the next day so I waited outside the east entrance of Coney Island while the rest ran in for a short loop, I only ran 9km as shown on my Nike running app. Can’t bare to splurge on a GPS fitness watch yet unless JRL wanna sponsor me or can let me win one in a contest ?


Luckily I got a fellow runner accompanying me to run the last few km if not I can imagine myself walking. It is nice to go running events because you get to meet new people. Also the power of social media is huge, saw many Runstagrammers for the first time but I just feels like I’ve known them for a long time, we support each other through words of encouragement on Instagram ?

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And runners who runs together eats together! We run to eat and we eat to run ?


Yesterday attended a running clinic held by JRL academy’s Mr Lexus Tan. It’s really good! Which makes me really think hard on what he says: Running is not just putting on your shoes and run. I’m quite amazed that I actually will attend this type of running clinic, I don’t see myself as a hardcore runner but a leisure runner. I’ve learnt a lot in this running clinic but learning and doing it is different thing. Learnt about what type of shoes is suitable for running on different landscape and distance, the different running techniques and strength conditioning.


Simply loves to run and I love the feel of sweating. Love to travel the world and run as well and love to run around Singapore and explore different places too! After every run, I feel happy and stress free, running really heals the mind and soul. I use the time running to grow myself internally too, to think and reflect.

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