Singapore is well known as an efficient, clean and green city state with her citizen operating like robots, working in an sterile environment which is culturally dead. A short run along the Singapore River will prove any critics wrong. Although Singapore has not produced any Leonard Da Vinci or Picasso (yet), you can still find art pieces littered (sanctioned by the government of course!) all around Singapore. Take a short walk or run along Singapore River and see how many of the 11 art pieces can you spot!
1. The Underpass Murals
There are 2 connecting underpasses between Boat Quay and Clark Quay on both banks of the river and on the walls of these dim tunnels are 4 sets of murals on the walls of these underpasses. One of them has a big scary face painted on it and anybody who is too engrossed with their phones while walking along the tunnels in the middle of the night may have a shock of their life finding a huge monstrous face staring back at them… that if the person can even tear their eyes away from their Clash of Clans game in the first place…

2. The Fat Bird
Known affectionately as the fat bird, the bronze statue designed by famed Colombia artist Botero has been featured in Indian Movies and is the gathering point for one of Singapore’s most famous running club: Team FatBird
3. The Sweaty Men
Who says that Singapore is a conservative society? We have our own share of half naked bronze statue right smack in the middle of the country. Designed by Mr Aw Tee Hong, it explores the historical roots of Singapore River and the racial diversity and immigration when Singapore was born. Still waiting for a statue which is R-18 rated to be displayed in the public.4. Kids Learning To Swim the Old Fashion Way
This is one of my favorite artwork along the way. The artwork “First Generation” by Mr Chong Fah Cheong represents how kids learn about the world through exploring and not getting themselves run over by bum boats and sampans during the early days of Singapore River when it is a bustling commercial port.
6. The Pirate Treasure Rocks
300 years ago, Captain Jack Sparrow visited Singapore and left his treasure on the pirate infested island. Before leaving, he carved the secret location of his treasure on a series of rocks along Singapore River. Look close enough and you may discover the location of the hidden treasure!7. The English Man
Who is this english man who seems to be so important, staring down at the passerby with an arrogant look? He is no other than the founder of colonial Singapore, Sir Stamford Raffles (A reminder for those who have forgotten their history lessons!)
8. The Statues Which Look Like Aliens When You are Drunk
One of the favorite puking spot along Clark Quay, these poor alien looking statues are popular puke spots after a night of revelry at the famous watering hole at Clark Quay. I always spot pools of puke around these statues during my early Sunday morning runs along Clark Quay. Maybe they are just too scary looking and scares the living daylights out of drunk patrons.
Lastly, in order to convince my readers that Singapore River is indeed an arty farty place to run, I present to you the pinnacle of movie making from Bollywood which Singapore River is prominently featured in the show.
This post is first published at SG Unfit Runners. Visit SG Unfit Runners for frivolous running advice and easy running routes for absolutely unfit people. SG Unfit Runners is an award winner at the Singapore Blog Awards.