For The International Runner: Runner’s World

The science of running can be pretty confusing. To really nail your next race, you need to know how to fuel, how to pace and how to motivate yourself. Runner’s World is jam packed with editorial articles that teach you all of these. If you need some motivation, you can also read these interviews from everyday #runspirations or check out the 12 habits of highly motivated runners. They’ve also got a complete 2016 shoe guide for your next shopping season.
For Ladies: SHAPE Magazine

Every women’s complete mind and body guide, SHAPE magazine is filled with no-nonsense tips regarding nutrition, fitness and weight loss. Think healthy food taste like cardboard? This might change your mind. Not sure which exercise is The One? Here’s one. And if you think biscuit sticks with strawberry dip is harmless? Think again (about this and all your favorite snacks). Their articles are written in a light-hearted, fun manner. It’s going to be an easy read as you commute to and from your office!
For Men: Men’s Health

Termed the most useful magazine for men, Men’s Health provides you with everything to help you become more confident man – one with better fitness, improved style and even one who’s a stronger runner! The articles are straightforward. Want to know when is the best time to workout or what kind of sumo deadlift burns more fat? They can tell you!