Race Review: Faire Un Voyage 2016 (by iamspartan6318) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: Faire Un Voyage 2016 (by iamspartan6318)


Just one day after the 7km event at treetop walk, we are here again for another fitness activity. The Faire Un Voyage. We have signed up for this event a while back. Total costs? $50 for 2 adults and 2 kids. Comes with a grand total of 4x t-shirts, 2x$10 carnival tickets, 4x drawstring bag and even 2 goodie bags on the actual day. How epic is that? Only thing missing, race medals. But who cares about that since there are so many things to do for the kids? Not to mention the freebies.

The name of the race maybe a little unpronounceable to non-French speaking natives like ourselves. However, there was nothing complicated about the run. This was one of the shortest race routes we have taken part so far at only 2.7km. Which is the exact distance of one round around Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. Before you scoff this off as an amateur running event, this race is also designed to cater to the serious marathoner. Unlike other races which defines the end of the race via the end point, this one only ends when it reaches 7.30pm. That’s right, this is a race based on time. So for 3.5 hours, you can go as many rounds as you like. For every round you make, the main sponsor will donate $2.70 to the Children’s charity.

So Far I Noticed A Pattern. Colours Of Race Tees Seem To Follow A Highlighter Scheme.

While it is possible for a marathoner to donate $40+ to the children’s charity during that time, my wife and helper only contributed a measly $2.70×2=$5.40. The kids? They were exhausted from the previous day event. First thing my boy said to the first volunteer he saw? “Sorry, I am not doing any running today”. And with that he happily proceed with his sister to entertain himself with all the games at the carnival.

Tent With Carnival Games
Magic Potion? This is One Voyage Out Of This World!
Saving The World. One Duckie At A Time.
More Like Angry Duckies

Other than those carnival games, you could also get a cutie mark. Don’t know what’s cutie mark? Simply tune in to one episode of My Little Pony. Well, you are not a pony right? So the mark goes on your hand instead of your butt.

Cutie Mark On Hand.

Since I wasn’t able to make it for the event. The only thing I could do was to take photo of the goodie bags in all it’s glory. If we happen to go back there again, there would be more photo featuring the glory of the park instead. Until then, it is goodie bag/coupon sorting time.

1x Goodie Bag. Includes Muesli Bars, Magazines. Candy and Sanitary Napkins? Well, Still Useful
Reward For Going On The Voyage

This blog post and other adventures can also be found at

A simple challenge of becoming a super hero to my kids started me on this journey. To prove that their father is a champion, a powerful strong figure deserving of their respect and to follow as they grow up. Almost inactive my entire adult life, I now want to understand what are the limits my body and my mind is capable of. As I cross barriers and test my limits I hope to share with the rest of the world that nothing is impossible even at middle age. As long as you have a goal and target in mind and you want it badly enough, you will get there. You simply need to put one foot in front of another to get started.

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