How Pokemon Go will be the Game that Revolutionizes Outdoor Running | JustRunLah!

How Pokemon Go will be the Game that Revolutionizes Outdoor Running


These days, the unfit runners are not feeling very adventurous to try out new running routes and we have been sticking to our usual running routine around Marina Bay and Harbourfront area. Other than the usual excuses of too far, too ulu (remote) and “No good breakfast”, our westerners are affected by the SMRT announcement of delaying the start time for trains on Sundays to 7am. Our runs start at 7am…

Needless to say, there has been howls of protest whenever we suggest any where further from the central area as an additional 30mins of preparation time (less sleep…) is needed for the westerners.

Perhaps the new Pokemon Go game will break this stasis….

For those who are unfamiliar with the new Pokemon Go game, it is a free to play mobile game which uses augmented reality for players to capture monsters which you can use to fight fellow players. The virtual pokemons are littered all around various public areas of a country and players need to use their phones to scan the surroundings to locate a possible pokemon and capture it. There have been many stories of people wandering out of the way to hunt for new pokemons, including venturing into the wilderness, strip bars and hospitals…CmxBHGhXEAAku4g CmxHGDgWYAACWlF

Some of the more bizarre stories including players finding a corpse  or players causing an accident trying to capture a pokemon in the middle of the road.

Although Pokemon Go has not been released in Singapore yet, I can see how this game will bring the SG Unfit Runners into exploring some new routes. We can even have a competition to see who can capture the most number of Pokemons during our weekly runs to encourage the unfit runners to run further into unknown realms and places.

I am totally excited by how Pokemon Go will revolutionize my running habit and routes and will probably blog about some of the pokemons I capture along the way.

If I can take pictures while doing some serious running, catching a few pokemon along the way should not be too difficult for me.

I just need to look out for that lamp post or car while multitasking and running…

13590434_10154298480294004_173476042520191723_nThis post is first published at SG Unfit Runners. Visit SG Unfit Runners for frivolous running advice and easy running routes for absolutely unfit people. SG Unfit Runners is an award winner at the Singapore Blog Awards.

SG Unfit Runners
SG Unfit Runners
We are a bunch of unfit Singaporeans in their 30s. We are too fat, too thin, unfit for military service, injured with knees, ankles problems, busy with kids and probably drink and eat too much with too little exercise. After a near death experience, a friend encouraged me to take up running and the first 1km run nearly killed me. I decided to work out more often after that and started a running routine. A little running group was later formed after I shared with some of my friends on my efforts to keep fit. We do short runs from 2km to 5km and marathons are definitely out as most of us probably won't survive the first 10 km. The idea of a blog began when we started traveling around Singapore to do our runs because we have group members living in the east, north, northwest and west. The idea of rotating around different areas of Singapore came about as we argued for our case to run in an area closer to our homes, and also to spice up our runs when we got bored of our usual running areas. Thus, SG Unfit Runners is born.

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