Race Review: Compressport Run 2016 [10km] (by ‘red3’) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: Compressport Run 2016 [10km] (by ‘red3’)


It’s been a while since I’ve run on familiar territory. It was almost like homecoming when John and I exited the cab at 6am at the Nicoll Hwy MRT to join our fellow competitors for a 10km race.

In the three years that we’ve been racing, this is the first time we started a race so early in the morning. It was a pleasant change to know that most of the race will be complete before the sun has even started rising.

With a 6.30am flag-off that was so punctual we didn’t even realize the gun has gone off. Perhaps a result of the early hour and caffeine deficiency. Luckily we were in the second wave giving us enough time to shake off any leftover grogginess and wind our bodies and minds up for the forthcoming race.

We started east on Nicoll Hwy, turned right towards the Stadium, across the Tanjong Rhu Bridge and just as we reached behind the Tanjong Rhu condo was the first water station. Since I carried my own water this time, I chose not to stop and kept going. John was well ahead already. His lightweight frame and long legs certainly give him an advantage.

From here we ran beneath Benjamin Sheares Bridge, through Gardens by the Bay East, across the Marina Barrage and alongside the Marina Bay at which point I had my first stop to walk. I made it through to 5.6km. Not surprising that my body was not able to go beyond that since most of this year has been a rollercoaster ride with my training.

I certainly was not prepared for 10km but unfortunately when I choose to register for races during the early bird period, I can never foresee what will come to pass in the upcoming months and the havoc it might wreak on my training sessions. So when any event comes around, my attitude is just simply do whatever it takes to get to the end, regardless of time or distance. One day things might turn around.

For now I accepted that I’d be jogging/walking the remainder of this race. As a prolific photographer though I was easily distracted by the rising sun behind the Singapore Flyer and whilst I have taken hundreds of photos of the ArtScience Museum, Helix Bridge, City skyline and Marina Bay Sands it just never seems to be enough. So whilst I was walking and resting my weary legs, I took one more photo. Ok maybe, a few more. How can you not. This is such a spectacular and modern city.

As I rounded the flyer and F1 Pit, I knew it was a home run. With a couple of kilometers left and sufficient walk and rest, I picked myself up and committed to finishing with a slow steady jog and no more walking. Very happy to see the finish line and John waiting at the end, I collected my finisher medal, guzzled a 100Plus and sat down satisfied with the morning’s event.

The bus was conveniently located opposite the race village and made our way home for a hearty breakfast and couple of coffees.


I've been an expat for nearly 9 years and found that through writing, I would record moments in time that meant something to me. It's a liberating way to express my thoughts and feelings about a subject matter. As a runner, I experience a range of emotions fluctuating between euphoria and misery. Capturing those emotions through writing keep me grounded, reminding me how it all began and the difficulties encountered along the way. However, the writing goes further than that. It's a voice of encouragement for future novice runners that they are not alone, that we all began with that first kilometre, we agonised over our slow pace, and wondered if it's worth it at all. As a traveller at heart, with a healthy dose of curiousity, I'm always on the ready passport in hand for that new destination. When travel eludes me, I'll hit the pavement regardless of weather and explore the streets of Singapore. Yet, there's still so much more to see and do. Running races in different parts of Singapore is a great way to explore areas I probably wouldn't otherwise travel to. With a highly active little girl, tropical weather and easy access to East Coast Park, as a family we regularly engage in cycling, swimming, running, scooting, inline skating and of course walking to our nearest hawker's market for dinner. Life is never dull.

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