TMBT is arguably the BIGGEST trail race in Malaysia. Dubbed ‘The Most Beautiful Thing‘, come and see why for yourselves! There is simply no better way to witness the beauty of Sabah. Sign up for the Colourcoil TMBT Ultra Trail Marathon happening on 29th October 2016!
The race course will bring you through some of the most impressive scenery along the foothills of Mount Kinabalu – the highest mountain in South East Asia. It will lead you on open gravel roads past rural villages, along dusty paths through fruit orchards, rubber plantations and vegetable farms. You will trek on narrow jungle trails, wade across waist-deep rivers, and inch across wobbly hanging bridges. The entire course is so diverse, you will really get to see the different sides of the Land below the wind – Sabah!
You against Yourself
Some have thought that ‘The Most Brutal Thing‘ would be a more apt title for the race. This is no walk in the park. The trails are hardcore with the 50km category climbing over a 3500m elevation and the 100km challenging you with an over 6000m elevation climb. And if the trails aren’t punishing enough, the weather fluctuates from a hot sunny 40°C to a cold rainy 15°C. This is where you put yourself to the test. Are you strong enough?
Meet new people

One of the best things about TMBT is that you get to meet new people! You bump into different people at different stages of the race. These are the people that will unexpectedly help you get through different stages of the race. You may meet the aunty group or the selfie group. You may meet runners running past you shouting ‘FAST RUNNER COMING THROUGH’ only to pass them later on in the race. You may experience the worst cramps you’ve ever had and have a complete stranger (also cramping) trying to help you out! Everyone has a different story to tell.
The MOST MEMORABLE experience
This is the experience of a lifetime. This is a story you would one day tell your grandchildren – how you overcame all odds and adversity to come out victorious against TMBT. It is a tough challenge, but that’s what makes it worthwhile. Native children will be along the course to cheer for you, high 5-ing you and even sing you a song to get you going. They hand out local fruits to you – rambutans and mangosteens to quench your parched throat. These acts, although small, suddenly become more meaningful. This is Sabah – an unforgettable experience.
You earn bragging rights
Welcome to the exclusive club of TMBT finishers. This is the race that will earn you the RESPECT. Your other fellow runners will salute you. They look at you as though you’ve achieved the almost impossible. Almost half do not finish this gruelling course (In 2015, the DNF rate for the 50km is 45.6%). If this is not bragging rights, I don’t know what is.
What are you waiting for? Come show the people what you are made of!