Race Review: CSC Run by the Bay 2016 [HM] (by Lingderella) | JustRunLah!

Race Review: CSC Run by the Bay 2016 [HM] (by Lingderella)


No run is a bad run. Although I did quite a bad timing this time as compared to my previous 2 half marathons. I was quite sad about it at first because I walk a lot in this run but then I have to tell myself that no run is a bad run because a run is better than no run at all. Congrats to Chee Beng getting 4th position in the half marathon and congrats to Eugene for getting PB! ? Congratulations to all runners for completing the run! Thank you all my running friends for giving me advices, encouragement and motivation! Hopefully my next half marathon next weekend at SCMKL will be better! ?


Was figuring what went wrong for me that cause me to walk a lot in this run. Maybe is because I was going faster than my usual pace at the start. Both overestimated myself and underestimated the run this time. After Sundown Marathon, I didn’t really run any run more than 10km. Or I was too focus on a running method landing with the front part of the foot causing my calves to be super tired which I didn’t have proper or enough training. Or I was screaming inside because of the pole class yesterday which must be the reason that causes both my shoulder to ache since I woke up so while I run I need to do some arm/shoulder stretch. We did something called the scissors climb yesterday where I need to use my arm strength to pull myself up the pole.

image There’s the Ekiden half marathon category, the half marathon and 10km. The flag off for the Ekiden is at 5am and flag off for the half marathon is at 5.15am. The sky is clear, the moon can be seen and is in crescent shape. July says it is as if the moon is smiling at us ? But it is very humid and I’m sweating a lot just by standing still and waiting for the flag off.

While I was running along the way, I saw many female runners who ran in sports bra ? I would want to run in sports bra too because of Singapore humid weather but I’m all fats ? And it’s always my dream to achieve abs, I don’t need the 6 pack abs but the two super nice vertical line is very good already! However it will always be a dream if I keep on eating what I’m eating ? Jordan Yeoh(Or someone else) says its 80% diet and 20% fitness. I seriously need to do something about it because I’m running YOLO run in October ?

There is not a lot of runners running this CSC run as compared to other runs and the participants for Ekiden is very very little.

image There were pacers to follow but I didn’t manage to follow even the slowest group of pacers as they overtake me shortly after 10km. And desperately seeing them vanishing makes me feel so terrible. Sabrina is the pacer of 2hr10mins, it’s nice to have a friend that is the pacer right? But I can’t manage to follow Sabrina as her pace as it is too fast for me. I’ll need to be realistic with following the timing group of the pacers next time, because I lost them even before 2km and find myself very breathless and tired. Maybe if it is a 5km run then I can try something like that.

My feet usually don’t get wet with sweat, but this time, I don’t know why my socks is all wet. I’m very wet as if I was soaked in the rain. Just a little squeeze on my shorts and the sweat drips out, it’s shiok to see so much sweat ?

image (Photo Credit: Pris Chew)

There’s many water stations and I simply love the cold water. Nice! Most runners will really appreciate the cold water ? The last part when we completed the run, we get our finisher tee, medal, banana, a can of isotonic drink and ice cold towel! Love it! ? Although there’s photo booth, but by the time I came back there’s a long queue for it already so I didn’t go and queue but my friends sure get nice photos because they ended early and there’s no queue at the photo booth ? That’s one of the perks of being fast runner other than getting podiums ?

I like the medal, it’s nice and this run is torturous to me, this medal is also not an easy earn for me.

image image But actually I don’t really like the finisher tee and the race singlet, think it’s because of the colour. So I wore my own top for the run ?

After the run, we went to Starbucks for breakfast ?


[Some thoughts]

The more I run, the more I realise I didn’t push myself to run hard enough. The more I run, the more I don’t understand running. The more I run, the more I don’t know what do I want to achieve through running. I think I’m undergoing what I would call a “running crisis”.

Today marks the last day of July. And it’s a eventful month and I’ve collected 4 beautiful medals ?


[One day before race]
I’ll consider this a runcation as July and me is having a staycation at Rendezvous Hotel. Although it’s about a 20mins walk to the flag off venue @ The Float, but what is 20mins walk to runners who is going to run a half marathon afterwards? ???

I think that I’m also sort of having this love hate kinda thing with pole. I dread to miss class and I dread to attend class. Running a half marathon next day is not easy with the stretching and core workouts done in pole class, the bruises and soreness that is always guaranteed the next day is really a torture just to thinks about ? It’s like we always complains of the pain and ache but then after that feels that all the torture is worth it. It’s the polemates and pole instructor that keeps me going. Without them, I think I wouldn’t have continued after the first few lessons. So, before start of class yesterday I tell my pole instructor: Please go easy on me. I’m running a half marathon tomorrow ? Then she said: Then how? Every week you have runs and marathons? Ok, she’s not very happy about that. She is a very good instructor, very supportive and encouraging but I think I’m really not a very good student. Pole class will never be easy no matter what, so I’ll just do what I have to ? Just going to cry father cry mother tomorrow again ?

So after pole class, I head down to Rendezvous directly to meet July, Sabrina and Yiheng for dinner then we went to llao llao for desserts with Justina and Chee Beng too ? Eat because tomorrow gotta run! ?

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Simply loves to run and I love the feel of sweating. Love to travel the world and run as well and love to run around Singapore and explore different places too! After every run, I feel happy and stress free, running really heals the mind and soul. I use the time running to grow myself internally too, to think and reflect.

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