Let’s go RUNNING!!
My colleague, Geok Peng who influences our lazy minds to join running together. The transition of running from 5km to half marathon was only my first, baby journey since 2012.
The adrenaline overrides my soul, achieving Kayaking (2 Star) and Sports Climbing (Level 2) Certificates in 2 years time. These skills had set my confidence to join the Biathlon – NUS Kayak & Run, improving from 15th position (2015) to 10th position (2016). To maintain the stamina, the frequent workout sessions at Singapore SportHub has also built my stamina and endurance to seek for more challenges.

Being a sports enthusiast, I undertook Basic Sport Science Certificate (March 2017) and was invited by Steffan Fung (Spartan Race, Director, Endurance and Training, Asia-Pac) to join their coaching team. I was hopeful and was actively engaged in coaching our athletes guided by senior coaches. The recent training which went beyond my physical limit was 16 hours Spartan Endurance, Krypteia. The darkness, the sand, our communication and camaraderie was the ultimate test.
The Coaching Session
Today, I am a stronger person in The Mind, Body and Spirit cause he never “Let Me Go”. Steffan Fung; who lead, change and improve many people’s life. I like to express my gratitude by writing this surprise blog for Steffan and any sports enthusiasts. Now I can ready for the next adrenaline rush; the Triathlon Journey 2017.

Joey Kangaroo, My 1st Ultimate Sports Blog 14 Oct 2016.