Safety Tips for Road Runs | JustRunLah!

Safety Tips for Road Runs


1. Notify

Make sure that you inform someone  that you are off running.

2. Bring your ID

Accidents can happen even to the most careful runners, so you need proper identification. If you have a healthcard, bring that as well.

3. Carry some cash

This would come handy in different ways. You may need to buy something for hydration or you may encounter emergencies that would require you to commmute or take a cab.

4. Pick routes and vary them

Use safer and well-lighted routes if you have a choice. Change them occasionally so it will be difficult to anticipate where you are going.

5. Face Traffic

This is so you can see the vehicles and adjust accordingly.

6. Give Space

Even when you’re running on the side, make sure there’s enough space between you and the vehicles. A slight bump can mean serious injuries.

7. Be visible

Make sure you are seen by the drivers. If you run at night, wear blinkers or run in lighted areas.

8. Listen

Avoid using headphones. Listening to something would limit your ability to hear horns and warnings.

9. Be aware

Study your routes and be sensitive. If you feel even a slight possibility of danger like unlit areas, fast cars, drunk individuals, secluded place, make a detour.

10. Run with someone

Running in groups or with a friend will lessen the probability of being bothered.

I started running in 1998. I wanted to represent my school in some way and the track team presented the best opportunity since they didn't have anyone doing the 5ks and 10ks. Early on I learned that, in long distance running, hard work beats talent most of the time. Since then, I never stopped as running completes me. I transitioned to multisport in 2011. I did an aquathlon and duathlon then moved on to triathlons. I've completed different triathlon distances including 3 70.3 half-ironman. I'm a husband and a first time father that works 9x5. My next goal is the full Iron Man. In this blog, I would like to share my experiences, provide tips and motivate others to run despite the different circumstances that life brings.

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