Let’s Run to a Better Shape and Health! | JustRunLah!

Let’s Run to a Better Shape and Health!

My Running Experiences


I don’t particularly like running or hate it. If anyone ask why I want to run? Number 1 reason is weight control and keeping fit. I love eating junk food like potato chips (even now I still eat them), fried food and supper. And that how I got fat and I mean really fat!!

In my early 20s, I do wanted to keep fit and healthy. I decided to run to lose weight and look slim. The runs I did are maybe 3km to 4km taking about 30mins plus minus about 2 times max a week. I did not have any goals and until one day, my poly buddy asked me to run the army half marathon. (I did not ran this in my army days and walk it instead as I am a lower pes soldier) And I agreed to run 10km instead with them. To be honest, at that point of time I really thought people who ran 21km or 42km were insane. A 3 to 4km run took the most of me and how the heck to run 21km. And so without any long distance running I join my friends running 10km in army half marathon I think in year 2009 or year 2010. That running scene is still very vividly in my mind. After 2 to 3km the remaining 7km I am literally dragging my foot. My poly buddy and another friend were encouraging me on to run finish and I did. Needless to say the rest of my day I spent sleeping and leg aching etc.

After sometimes, the running regime died down, and soon I became fat with all the supper and junk food eating. The yearly lunar new year will have my relatives commenting me fat lah why never exercise why haven’t get marry. And so I embarked another running regime to slim down and 2ndly to get prepare for my wedding. This time the run is also not following any training plans. I ran just because I wanted to ranging same from 3 to 5km.  And then my best cousin the “incredible hulk” asked me to sign up the Addidas king of the road 16.8km run.  I accept the challenge and train with him naming in Bedok reservoir or ECP clocking the most about 10km to 12km. And our pace is really slow. When I am done with 16.8km race, somehow I am sure I wont be doing another long distance run again as it is really tiring. And so yet again I neglected my training regime, and I am back to my fatty size.

In my 30s after married, I really did not look after my body and I went to do a blood test. Result not good for everything. Nearly fatty liver, high cancer marker. Overall ok but if nothing is done it will be worst. And so I started to run again. this time with timing goals. This happens last year 2016 and to be honest, my recurrence of illness drop significantly and I am surprised that I completed last year standard chartered 42km run on 04 December 2016.

If simon the fatty can do it, so can you!

Fatty Out.

Simon the fatty running to keep fit. Let run to shed that fat and gain stamina. I don't particularly like running or hate it. But when my blood test shows poor health, I decided to resume running to gain back my health. Started a blog also to encourage others to join the run and keep fit. Am really glad some readers started to run or exercise after reading my blog or experience!

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