Income Eco Run 2017: What to Expect at South East Asia’s Premier Eco Run | JustRunLah!

Income Eco Run 2017: What to Expect at South East Asia’s Premier Eco Run


Income Eco Run 2017 will become South East Asia’s premier eco run. This run looks to drive a green message to runners and people in Singapore at large – calling out to runners to showcase their pledge for eco-friendly practices by coming out to be a part this eco run on the 30th April 2017 at the F1 Pit Building. There will be a variety of distances to opt from – 21.1km, 10km, 10km team challenge and the Kids Dash. This will also be the first run in Singapore to have a detailed green audit conducted after the run. This audit will focus on the following perimeters:-

  • Carbon emissions generated by the use of transport by participants, volunteers and staff
  • Carbon emissions generated from the use of direct electricity and fuel
  • Waste and recyclables generated
  • Water consumption
  • Material usage and responsible sourcing

running towards zero waste

Take a Look at the Running Shirts

  *Actual Shirts may vary from illustration

Be a proud owner of these shirts, knowing that you’ve stood up for this green cause. Stand out in these orange running vests. Parade around in them because you ran towards zero waste! Runners will help spread awareness about the need to improve our eco footprint collectively to safeguard our future. We might not be there yet, but with one more person on board, we will be one step closer.

If you would like to take a step further, opt to be a zero waste runner and be a zero waste champion!

Be the change you want to see in the world!


Not Finisher Medals but Functional Medals

Challenge the run and add these to your collection. But, this medal here is going to be special and so much more. This medal is bestowed upon you in recognition of your pledge to play your part in being eco-friendly. Staying true to championing zero waste – this medal is not only a display item, but also functional. The medal serves as a bottle opener, giving this metal piece purpose. It is being reused and upcycled.

What are you guys waiting for? Time to stand up and make a difference in the world!

Great news for JustRunLah! readers – register for the Income Eco Run 2017 at the early bird rates using promo code: XXECOJRL

Runner, Foodie, Occasional Try-athlete, Nerd, Trail Runner and Adventure Runner. Sports and the outdoors is an addiction.

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