The debate is hot! The logic for: – I paid for my finisher tee, I paid for my medal – you are ripping me off by not giving me my finisher entitlements! I am entitled! It was not that I could not finish the marathon, your checkpoint cutoff times rendered me unable to complete the marathon. The 7 hour cut off time wasn’t up yet! You made me DNF! You stopped me from getting my hard-earned medal. Why are you making a local event one of international standard with these checkpoint cutoff times when our runners aren’t even of international standard. Organisers are demoralising runners with their CP cut-off times! Other organisers do not apply this cut-off times so strictly! How can an organiser profit from DNF-ers?
So here’s some news for people expecting finisher entitlements despite not finishing a race:-
- You need to read the rules and regulations before registering for a race. You registering for a race is acknowledging the rules and regulations including the organiser’s cut-off times! You disputing them after the race just shows the kind of sportsmanship you embody!
- Your registration fee is inclusive of finisher items on the condition you actually finish the race! You do not pay for a finisher tee! You pay for a race entry! To ask for finisher items despite not completing the race is a disgrace to yourself!
- Newsflash: Finisher medals and Finisher Tees are called FINISHER items because it is that – you only get them if you finish! If the organiser were to hand out finisher items to anybody and everybody, the term finisher loses meaning!
- Although local athletes may not be of international standard, it does not mean that events organised locally cannot meet an international standard! If you are ready to argue that, then be ready to come to a race that may be gravely over distance, or gravely short of refreshments, and gravely short of road closures! Do not argue for a lower standard! It shows the degree of backward thinking you have!
- Just because other organisers are more lenient as to cut-off times, this does not mean every organiser should embody the same degree of empathy! Same goes, just because everyone robs the poor, does not make it right and okay. Just because everyone is doing one thing, does not make it the right thing! Deviating from the norm, does not necessary make it wrong! To think so shows the kind of thought process you possess!
- If you have failed, train harder and come back stronger! Earn your finisher medal and finisher tee so you can wear them with pride. What pride is there in wearing a finisher tee you have not earned? To blame the organiser and not think of just training harder and coming back stronger shows the strength of your character – minimal!
- Run organisers are out to make money – I mean surely yes. Did you think organisers organise run for the fun of it and for charity? But one thing you need to be clear about is that they do not profit on the undistributed finisher tees and medals. I mean – did you think they would be selling the undistributed items? If you think so, you are naive.
- How PRIVILEGED do you have to be to think otherwise?
Sounds harsh, but true! Sports is supposed to shape strength of character and develop sportsmanship. So, respect the distance, respect all the other runners who truly deserve the finisher title, train hard and come back stronger! Good Luck – next time!