Kilian Wins Hardrock 100 With Dislocated Shoulder | JustRunLah!

Kilian Wins Hardrock 100 With Dislocated Shoulder


The world’s best mountain runner, King of Endurance Kilian Jornet shows us once again why he is King. The Hard Rock 100 is a rigorous race – a mountain trail race that crosses 100.5 miles of a rugged mountainous terrain.

Defending champion Kilian came in Champion again to score his 4th straight win at this event. No surprises there. But, he did it with an apparently dislocated shoulder. 40 miles in, he suffered a fall and injured his shoulder. We thought his game was over, but boy did he wow us. He ran 60 gruelling miles with his shoulder in a makeshift arm sling.

This is yet another inspiring moment from Kilian. Last year, he finished the race tied with Jason Schlarb – demonstrating the sportsmanship and respect for the ultra sport he has.

With the rise of Jim Walmsley, we wondered whether an American could finally win the UTMB race this year. But, with Kilian’s brilliant performances recently, we can’t wait for the great showdown!

Runner, Foodie, Occasional Try-athlete, Nerd, Trail Runner and Adventure Runner. Sports and the outdoors is an addiction.

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