My Race Against Cancer 2017 [10km] (by Lingderella) | JustRunLah!

My Race Against Cancer 2017 [10km] (by Lingderella)


This is officially my first Race Against Cancer! I had previously signed up for 15km in 2015 but the race was cancelled because of haze and the PSI level was too high and unsafe for outdoor activities ? And this is my first time participating in a run officially as a pacer! ?

Other than the Hello Panda being my most liked item in the race pack ?, we have an extra T-shirt for the pacers which is also the same as the volunteers and there is also a magnet which have information printed about the screening tests for some of the cancer. One in three deaths in Singapore is related to cancer. It’s very high.

Thank you Coach Arnel from Pinoy-Sg Runners for this amazing opportunity for us to participate in such a meaningful event to raise awareness for cancer and to give back to the society and the running society in a way ?

I’m in the 10km, 1 hour 20 minutes pacing group also known as the Happy Group ? We will complete the 10km run within 1 hour 20 minutes or at a time close to 1 hour 20 minutes. Prior to the run we have pacers trainings during weekends to ensure that our pace is consistent and that we are able to complete the run within the timing that we are pacing ?

(A photo taken before one of our trainings)

There is 3 different categories for the run, the 15km, 10km and 5km. The race venue is at East Coast Park Angsana Green and I took Grab to the race venue on race day. Thanks to Grab, my usual taxi fare used to be around $25 from Yishun to East Coast Park but Grab Share just cost me $14 after a promo code discount.

The 15km was flagged off a little later than 7am as the emcee and the 10km was flagged off at 7.30am. By the time we are to finish the run it’s about 8.50am but luckily it’s not that hot as I thought it would be as there’s many trees that covered us in their shadows so we were saved from the sun ? It’s also a breezy day, didn’t sweat a lot and hope nobody got hit by our pacers balloons which is flying so freely behind us ?

The route is to run 5km towards parkland green and then make u-turn back to the finish line. There’s distance board placed accurately at every km and there is 4 water points for the 10km route. I only took the isotonic drinks at the last 2 hydration points which were cold and so nice ?

It’s an enjoyable run following the lead of our team leader July, watching our time and speed so that we will not be too much faster or slower to finish and go at a steady and constant pace as much as we can and at the mean time, cheering for the runners along the way to jia you and keep going ?

It was a fantastic experience as a pacer and I would definitely want to pace again if I have the chance!

And lastly, thank you my dear Willis ? He’s our personal group photographer, taking many memorable and awesome photographs for us ?

Simply loves to run and I love the feel of sweating. Love to travel the world and run as well and love to run around Singapore and explore different places too! After every run, I feel happy and stress free, running really heals the mind and soul. I use the time running to grow myself internally too, to think and reflect.

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