Interview With Lincoln And Doris – Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together | JustRunLah!

Interview With Lincoln And Doris – Couples Who Run Together, Stay Together


JustRunLah! : How will you introduce yourself to Asia running and fitness community?

Lincoln – Hi, I am Lincoln Han aka Tea Man. I am a lifestyle runner. I never imagined that I would like running. I picked up running to lose weight (lost over 12 kg since 2009). Now, I am addicted to running, and I found my soul mate who loves running as much as I do. All thanks to serendipity!

Doris – Hi, I’m Doris Teo. Running is something that I enjoyed doing since my younger days. It is a sport that is carefree and can lift up your spirit whenever you are stressed or down.

JustRunLah! : How did you meet each other?

Lincoln & Doris – We first met each other in a no-frills run called “Simple Run” held in MacRitchie on 19 June 2010. Doris was wearing a dark shades that caught my (Lincoln) attention before the run started. During the run, we were trying to outrun each other in the 4.8 KM cross country route.

After the run, I (Lincoln) took the courage to strike a conversation with her (Doris) at the refreshment corner. Like they said, the rest is history.

JustRunLah! : When did you first pick up running (what age) and what inspired you to do so?

Lincoln – I started running at 16 years of age as part of my cross training program to keep fit. Back then, my schoolmates were crazy about staying lean in order to show off their abs.

Doris – I started running during my school days but only started taking part in races in my 40s of which the Great Eastern Women’s run was my first race. I must say that I loved the running atmosphere – running with a big group of people. I have been taking part in races after the GEWR and has never looked back since.

JustRunLah! : Your greatest reward from your sporting journey so far?

Lincoln & Doris – We would say that the greatest reward comes from meeting many like-minded people who share the same passion for running.

At our age, we would like to send a clear message that running has nothing to do with our age but with self. The more we run, the more resilience we become! How awesome can that be?

JustRunLah! : What is your mantra for when the going gets tough in a race?

Lincoln – Suck it up and run!!

Doris – Hang on and push to the limit!

JustRunLah! : One advice for aspiring runners?

Lincoln & Doris – First of all, we would like to congratulate those who started to run. Running is a self-rewarding journey. The more you invest your time in running, the more you discover about your potential. One can never fathom what surprises and adventures are installed for you ☺

JustRunLah! : Finish this sentence: Fitness is…
Lincoln – a journey that rewards those who are willing to start. For some, it changes their health for the better. For others, it changes their lives.

Doris – something that will improve your self-image and overcome your mental and physical challenge.

Runner, Foodie, Occasional Try-athlete, Nerd, Trail Runner and Adventure Runner. Sports and the outdoors is an addiction.

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