Regardless you are checking out this post because you are a busy running addict or you are a go green supporter, you just made a good start for a healthy change! Run-commute (running to the workplace) has been common in Western countries, yet it is only just getting popular in Asia in the recent years when there are more pedestrian paths and park connectors built around the CBD area, as well as there are more gyms and shower facilities conveniently equipped in the workplace.
What is good about running to work?
The first good thing about run-commute is saving up your travel cost and you can save yourself out from squeezing into a crowded train or stuck in the terrible traffic jam. Also, a morning run before work not only can supercharge your productivity but also helps you to have a quiet me-time before you kick-start the day. And do you know what? After a morning workout, people tend to make healthier choices when they choose their meals of the day. That makes sense because you will not want to gain back those unnecessary fats and calories that you just burnt off!
Most people working hours usually start around 8 or 9 o’clock in the morning. These are the best timing to run. Don’t believe that? Read our article about Best Time To Run: Morning.
One more bonus, do you know that our transportation needs produce 30% of all carbon dioxide gas emissions? By running to your workplace, you contribute to reducing air pollution. And if you do it daily, you will have an overall view of just how much you have contributed in help saving the earth.
Convinced to try being a run commuter? Read on to find out what are the 4 mistakes you should avoid.
#1 You Want To Take Everything With You.
Rule no.1: Travel light. Bring what you really need, such as your wallet, phone, keys and one or two items that can fit into your running bag. One suggestion, you can leave your toiletries and one-week load of work clothes at the office on every Monday (or weekends if you have the access).
#2 You Are Being Too Ambitious.
We all want to work out but do not want to lose our work efficiency. So, please plan a running route to your workplace that is MANAGEABLE. Leave your ambitious (or adventurous) plan to the weekend when you have the time flexibility. That means, your run-commute route distance should be planned according to your comfortable pace. Let’s say your comfortable pace is 6:30 and you have only 1 hour to spare, a 5km run-commute will be just nice for you.
Click here to make use of JustRunLah! Pace Calculator.
#3 You Still Want To Be A “Night Owl”.
We want your first run-commute experience to be an enjoyable one. Please do not try to run commute on the next day of your night out or over-time work. Your exhausted body will be giving you a cue to stop and give up, and that does not mean you cannot be a run commuter, you just need to have ample rest.
But do not forget that we all have our social needs. If you want to build up a run-commute habit that is sustainable, plan one or two nightouts in a week, and that next morning shall be your recovery day.
#4 You Do Not Use Waterproof Bags!
After your first run-commute, one last thing you want to find out is your work clothes and wallet are drenched in sweat in the running bag. And the worst case is when you noticed your phone is wet. Be diligent to pack your belongings into a waterproof pouch or zip-lock bag to avoid disappointment.
We hope these reminders are helpful. So what are you waiting for? Be a run commuter, start your everyday right!