4 Biggest Problem Areas For Runners | JustRunLah!

4 Biggest Problem Areas For Runners


Runners need to be strong in certain areas. This allows to run better, faster, stronger and more efficiently. With a strong form, your form won’t falter easily. A bad faltering form is a recipe for injury. When our form falters we tend to put pressure on muscles, tendons and ligaments that aren’t used to taking that much stress. We hence risk injury. Here are 4 areas runners face a big problem with.

#1 Hips

It’s easy to strengthen your quads, your hamstrings, or even your upper body by doing simple squats and pushups. However, the hips are often neglected. Weak abductors and adductors actually affect your running – a lot! These affect proper running alignment.

Photo Credits: The Exercist 

To have strong hips, do clams – lie on your right side with your knees bent slightly. Lift your left leg up till about 60 degree and bring it back down. You can also do the side plank hip lifts.

#2 Glutes

To run well, you should have a strong butt. Strong glutes help stabilise your pelvis and and knees. Weak glutes have been linked to IT Band problems, Achilles tendon problems and shin splint issues.

Religiously do your squats to strengthen your glutes. You can do a lot of squat variations such as squat jumps and single leg squats which really help target your glute muscles.

#3 Hamstring

The hamstring work together with your glutes and quads in every stride. If you have hamstring problems this could mean your lower back is not strong enough, hence causing hamstring overuse. This means you need to strengthen the back. On the other hand, weak hamstring problems could lead to quad, calf and glutes overuse, or even ankle problems.

Photo Credits: Girls Gone Strong 

Do single leg deadlifts to strengthen your hamstring and lower back muscles. Progress by holding on to a weighted plate. This also trains your balancing and stability. Standard deadlifts and glute bridges are also helpful.

#4 Ankles

Ankles are so delicate. Injuries to the ankle are very common – and sometimes it could be just bad luck! The best way to avoid ankle injuries is to strengthen the ankle. This could make the difference between a very bad sprain and something you can just run off!

Photo Credits: Kesson Physio

Do ankle aversion and inversions. This really helps you strengthen your ankle area. You can also do bosu ball balances by standing on one leg on a bosu and balance.

Runner, Foodie, Occasional Try-athlete, Nerd, Trail Runner and Adventure Runner. Sports and the outdoors is an addiction.

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