4 Ways To Become Faster WITHOUT Running | JustRunLah!

4 Ways To Become Faster WITHOUT Running


We, runners, love training. We love logging in the miles and talking about the miles we’ve logged. We are a hardworking bunch. The promise of speed without the hard work seems counter-intuitive to us. We’ve been engineered to believe there is no free lunch in this world. So, 4 ways to become faster without running sounds – unbelievable! But here are 4 very real and effective ways to become faster without running.

#1 Wear Lighter Shoes

An often cited estimate is that for every 28 grams a runner shaves off her shoes, she will run one second faster per mile. Think about it, over a distance of 26 miles, you could possibly be running 26 seconds faster. That is a lot! The Mizuno Sayonara comes in at 250 grams as compared to the Mizuno Wave Emperor which weighs 180 grams. This means I could possibly shave off 52 seconds of my marathon personal best just by switching up my shoes.

However, we should always use shoes that suit us. Do not give up stability and cushioning for the lightweight factor because this may backfire. If you are well acquainted with shoes with a good cushioning and stability, switching to a racing flat will cause you to lose efficiency in your running and render any potential gains null.

So, the best thing to do is pick the lightest shoe possible that offers you the comfort you need for your run.

#2 Pay Attention To Running Cadence

A higher stride rate is ideal because of the force that helps propel you forward. If you spend too much time floating in the air, it decreases the amount of force pushing you forward. Your energy is spent on pushing yourself upwards, instead of propelling yourself forward which is the main goal. A higher cadence ensures that you are using force to propel yourself forward instead of upwards.

180 has always been this magic number. This help boost running efficiency and prevents overstriding.

Read More: Run Faster By Upping Your Stride Rate

#3 Get A Proper Warmup

The significance of a proper warmup cannot be stressed more. Warming up increases the blood flow to the working muscles. This means more oxygen is transported to these working muscles without the need for your heart rate to spike. Should you jump straight into your workout, this causes a spike in heart rate and puts your body into aerobic shock. Once your heart rate shoots up, it is going to be difficult to bring it back down and thus affecting your performance.

Read More: 5 Warmup Stretches For Runners

#4 Lose Body Fat

You run faster by about 2 seconds a mile for every pound you come closer to your ideal weight. This is because the lighter you are, the less force you require to move yourself forward.

Many runners could benefit from shedding a few pounds, but this must be done in a manner that is conducive to training rather than sabotaging it. Finding your ideal racing weight is a very delicate issue that requires a lot of fine-tuning. Remember losing weight may not be a good idea for all athletes, especially those who are naturally lean already, your healthy may suffer instead.

Read More: What Is Your Racing Weight?

Runner, Foodie, Occasional Try-athlete, Nerd, Trail Runner and Adventure Runner. Sports and the outdoors is an addiction.

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