Interview With Tokyo Marathon 2018 Finisher: Agus | JustRunLah!

Interview With Tokyo Marathon 2018 Finisher: Agus


JustRunLah!: How would you introduce yourself to Asia running community?

Agus: I am a journalist who loves running. I work for Kompas Morning Daily, the biggest newspaper company in my country, Indonesia. My running buddies, especially from my Kompas Gramedia Pelariian Runners and Run For Indonesia, call me by the nickname of “Abah” — which mean Dad, because of I am the oldest among them. 🙂 (a nickname that refers him to as father amongst the young community of runners)

JustRunLah!: When did you first pick up running (what age) and what inspired you to do so?

Agus: I love hiking and mountain climbing since young. However, outdoor activities need intense workouts. Thus, Jogging or running is one of my workouts. But I started to run actively about 5-6 years ago. I fall in love with running because it is a very “practical” sport which everybody can do it, whenever. Running can be done at any time and by anyone. The best part about running is that the running friends we meet come from various circles. Running makes me happy, because of running itself and also because my running buddies are very good. With that, it inspired me to keep myself happy and healthy.

JustRunLah!: What would you consider to be your biggest running achievement so far?

Agus: Being happy and healthy. Just that. When many runners try to make a Personal Best (PB) at many race events, I try to make PB too. But my PB means, “Photo Banyak” or “take many photographs” in Bahasa Indonesia.

JustRunLah!: Tokyo Marathon, Asia favourite race, how are you preparing yourself for Sunday?

Agus: Well, the big day is coming and I am ready to take part. I try to prepare it for 16 weeks and run three times a week. With my age (56 years old), I try to endure and not focus on the speed, like the others. But of course, I have to finish under COT.

JustRunLah!: What advice would you give to someone taking that 42km? Just Run Lah?

Agus: Prepare yourself seriously! For me, a marathon is like a “body torturing” session. It requires serious workouts but, avoid hurting your body. Serious training never lies. If you do that, you will be able to finish it happily and with a smile!

JustRunLah!: Do you have any pre-race rituals? What goes through your head every time you run?

Agus: Pray! For me, running is the way to be thankful for what God has bestowed upon me. Thankful for God’s blessings.

JustRunLah!: What is your mantra for when the going gets tough in a race?

Agus: Finish what you started! You can do it!

JustRunLah!: Finish this sentence: Running is not about It’s not how fast or far to run,

Agus: but how happy you are running!


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