Check Out The STAR WARS™ Run 2018 Entitlements | JustRunLah!

Check Out The STAR WARS™ Run 2018 Entitlements


Transport yourself to a galaxy far far away with the STAR WARS™ RUN Singapore, returning this year on the 5th May 2018. STAR WARS fans are in for a treat. This year, the Marina Bay area and the F1 Pit Building will be transformed to give runners a truly immersive experience. The race village will be an epic adventure with lots of fun games and activities.

What we’ve all been waiting for – the entitlements! All STAR WARS™ enthusiasts will receive exclusive STAR WARS™ Run merchandise. Finishers of the 10km & 5.4km category will also receive a commemorative medal unique to their category and a finisher t-shirt. Designs vary depending on the side you choose, so pick your side wisely!

Earn Your Star Wars Finisher Medal


Star Wars Merchandise

Star Wars fans can treat themselves to an array of limited edition exclusive merchandise. Get your very own lightsaber, or a Chewbacca pin to add to your collection. If you’re looking for something more functional, opt for the Star Wars umbrella.

Early Bird Registration Ending Soon

Pledge your allegiance by the 14th March 2018 to take advantage of the special registration early bird registration fee. Whether you’re on the light side or the dark side, this is the final call! Wait no more, click here to register now!

Runner, Foodie, Occasional Try-athlete, Nerd, Trail Runner and Adventure Runner. Sports and the outdoors is an addiction.

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