Katherine Beiers Is 85 Years Of Age. She Completed The Boston Marathon 2018. | JustRunLah!

Katherine Beiers Is 85 Years Of Age. She Completed The Boston Marathon 2018.


The conditions at Boston Marathon 2018 were brutal and tough. It stopped 23 elite marathoners including former Champions – Lelisa Desisa, Caroline Rotich and Lemi Berhanu. Galen Rupp and Deena Kastor were also among those who dropped out of the brutal Boston Marathon. However, that did not stop Katherine Beiers.

Katherine Beiers became the oldest woman to complete the Boston Marathon at 85 years of age. She made Boston history. And to do so in such tough and rough conditions made her new record even sweeter. This is her 14th time running the Boston Marathon and she managed to complete it with an unofficial timing of 7 hours and 50 minutes.

Photo Credits: Santa Cruz Sentinel

She was one tough cookie. Nothing was going to stop her, and nothing did indeed!

And guess what’s her post-marathon recovery drink? – a pint of ice cold beer at the hotel bar! She was joined by her son John who accompanied his mum to battle through side winds, headwinds and dipping temperatures.

The Boston Marathon 2018 was won by Desiree Linden and Yuki Kawauchi.

Source: Boston.com 

Cover Photo Credits: Craig F. Walker / The Boston Globe

Read More:

  1. 10 Things You Should Know About Boston Marathon 2018 Winner – Yuki Kawauchi 
  2. The Top 4 Boston Marathon 2018 Moments
  3. World Marathon Majors: Where, When, Why
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