3 Trending Activity Tracking Programmes in Singapore and Their Perks! | JustRunLah!

3 Trending Activity Tracking Programmes in Singapore and Their Perks!


Singaporeans are becoming a healthier bunch lately, after all the advertisements and campaigns from our National Health Promotion Board (HPB). And while most of us are keen to get our hearts pumping faster and burning off some of those pesky calories, we may not always have the luxury of time to hit the gym or attend workout sessions. Thus, programmes that track steps, heart rate and caloric burn are highly desirable nowadays for people to conveniently check out how much they have “worked out” in the span of a day, week or month on the go.

Here are 3 activity tracking programmes that you can try.

#1 AIA Vitality

Singaporeans are always on the lookout for a good deal. This comes easily with the AIA Vitality app. The main idea of this app is for people to get rewarded for getting active and healthier so it’s a win-win situation. Besides tracking your caloric intake, your steps and helping you to make healthy choices along the way, you also get to enjoy cashbacks and discounts as you get fitter. The app works like a game, getting you from one level to the next and encouraging you with better perks as you climb the status ladder. And because AIA is a real life insurance company, you get to enjoy free additional coverage or a premium discount as you transform into a healthier version of yourself.

Reference: https://www.aiavitality.com.sg/memberportal/

#2 National Steps Challenge

The last two seasons of this challenge was so successful, HPB decided to run it again this year. It’s all very simple. First, sign yourself up on HPB’s website. Second, collect your HPB steps tracker and voila! You can start tracking your steps! Track up to 10,000 steps by the end of the challenge to win yourself awesome prizes and gifts. On top of that, you get to do good too as every step you take converts into cash that is donated to the President’s Challenge 2018. It’s a pretty sweet way to keep fit and healthy, win prizes and give back to the society without dealing with extraneous fuss.

Reference: https://www.healthhub.sg/programmes/124/community-challenge

#3 Manulife Move

Fancy an app that can track not just when you are walking but also when you are cleaning or jumping around? Then Manulife Move is the fitness app for you! However, this app may be more suitable for Manulife policy holders as the rewards come in the form of cash rebates towards your policy premiums. For all Apple Watch Series 3 owners, you also get to earn back the cost of your watch over a year by being active so that may be an additional perk for Manulife policy holders who are looking to get fit in 2018.

Reference: www.manulifemove.sg

Loves dogs, traveling and the American TV Hit series Empire. Always attempting to head out clubbing with friends but seem to, more often then not, get waylaid by her bed. Constantly trying to channel the Brain from Pinky and the Brain to take over the world, but with her writing. Wants to someday be free from the reins of office life and run a pet business so that her daughter (aka her dog), can be with her at all times.

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