10 Incredibly Interesting Podcasts You Should Listen To While Running | JustRunLah!

10 Incredibly Interesting Podcasts You Should Listen To While Running


Even die-hard runners have days when they just don’t want to run. For example, it’s a rainy day, or the night was crazy, or you have too much work, or there’s a new TV-show on Netflix… Perhaps, the real problem is that you’ve just got bored of your everyday jogging because it doesn’t seem to be a fun thing now. In this case, listening to the right podcasts is what can change your mind and put you in a right mood. Of course, podcasts won’t change the weather or make you the best runner in the city, but they will give you more motivation, and you will learn something new while having a workout.

What Makes Podcasts so Addictive and Pleasurable?

First of all, podcasts are convenient. This method of consuming the information is much easier than reading a text. You can find interesting podcasts, subscribe to them, and your device will automatically download new episodes. Podcasts also involve a more personal approach, as you hear a speaker talking to you directly. It makes you more involved in the process and increases your attention.

Another great thing about podcasts is portability. You can download them to your iPhone or Android smartphone, iPod, or PC. Most podcasts are available for iTunes, Google Play, RSS, Sticher, and hundreds of other apps. You can even synchronize new episodes with all your devices and listen to them no matter where you are.

So, if you are lost and you don’t know where to begin, we have compiled this handy go-to list! Happy training!

10 Best Podcasts to Listen to While Running

Marathon Talk

This podcast is about everything associated with running. Interesting discussions, interviews, and advice from coaches — hosts Tom and Martin do everything possible to make your jog informative and fun. There are more than 400 episodes, so you may not get some jokes at first, but after a while, you’ll love stories about their families as much as discussions about doping in sport. Episodes are about 90 minutes long.

Running Rogue Podcast

This podcast is hosted by coaches Chris McClung and Steve Sisson (who worked in the University of Texas and founded the Rogue running community in Austin). Having many years of experience, they share their ideas about training strategies, motivation, and sports in general. This podcast will be interesting for both beginners and professional athletes. The atmosphere of friendly, relaxed chatting will surely help you get in the mood.

Another Mother Runner

Hosted by two running mothers, Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea, this is one of the oldest podcasts for runners. Here you can learn a bunch of health tips, as well as new diets, and fun facts. The hosts interview various fitness experts and talk about everything that runners want to know. Episodes are 60 to 120 minutes long.

The Bad Boy Running Podcast

Hosts David Herald and Jody Raynsford describe this podcast as the alternative for those runners who are tired of all the other podcasts. It’s less focused on running itself and resembles conversations in a pub after a workout. The hosts (who are also running journalists) claim that, in this podcast, everybody will find something to be offended by.

Beginner Runner Village Podcast

As the name suggests, this is a great choice for beginners. Debbie Voiles will tell you everything you need to know about sports, and running in particular. You will learn how to prevent injuries, how to prepare for your first race, and what habits you need to avoid if you want to become an athlete. However, experienced runners will also find some useful information here, for example, interesting training strategies.

The Rich Roll Podcast

This podcast is about everything from sport to personal development to mindful lifestyle and business. Once an overweight 40-year-old man dependent on the alcohol, Rich changed his life for good and became a vegan athlete. However, this podcast is not only for vegans but for everyone who also wants to change his or her life for the better. Rich gives a lot of food for thought and interviews outstanding personalities from various areas. Every episode is 90-120 minutes long.

Trail Runner Nation

Even if you’re a road runner, you’ll find a lot of useful and interesting information here. Professional athletes and enthusiasts talk about increasing performance, rules of trail running, and motivation. When listening to this podcast, you’ll certainly want to run a longer distance.

Run Selfie Repeat

The host of this podcast, Kelly Roberts, is not only smart but also fun. She honestly talks about all the difficulties that may stop us from running and explain why we should never stop. Here you can find inspiration and laugh.

The Runner’s World Podcast

Every month, Ben Hobson and Rick Pearson talk about the world of running, inviting interesting guests and inspiring you to keep moving no matter what.

I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein

Lindsey Hein is honest, inspiring, and fun. She invites various athletes (mostly runners) and asks them about everything, from races to favorite movies and biggest failures. Lindsey always manages to balance between serious and funny, making every episode unique and interesting. Episodes are 60-90 minutes long.

These are just a few of many wonderful podcasts for runners. You can always make your run more meaningful, interesting, and fun by listening to people who devoted their lives to sport and fitness. If you need a little more motivation to wake up and put on your tracksuit, now you know what to do!

Guest Author / Bio:
Berta Melder is an experienced brand manager and co-founder of the Masterra. She finds her inspiration in creative writing and blogging. Enjoys aerial yoga and hiking/backpacking tours. Her Twitter @BertaMelder.

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