Interview with Fanny Koh – a REAL® Runner | JustRunLah!

Interview with Fanny Koh – a REAL® Runner


Being a busy policewoman protecting the city doesn’t stop Deputy Assistant Commissioner of Police, Fanny Koh from running during her free time. Read on to find out her race experiences and her weekly fitness routine!

1. How would you introduce yourself to Singapore running and fitness community?

I enjoy sports since young and have been active all my life. Sports energise me, especially when the going gets tough. Friends who know me well know that I have a little indulgence other than my daily work out – gummies! I simply cannot resist these chewy sweets which also give me the energy for my workout – so glad there is an athlete’s version out there for endurance races now!

2. When did you first pick up running (what age) and what inspired you to do so?

I was an avid tennis player in secondary school and junior college. When I went to university, most of my close friends do not play tennis, so I started running more regularly. It was a lot more flexible in terms of timing and I just needed a good pair of running shoes.

3. “The Ultimate Running Experience”. What does the statement mean to you?

It has to be the marathon at Valencia which I completed in 2017! It was a momentous event to me as I just recovered from a surgery less than 3 months before the race.

4. Your favourite running quote? Why?

None actually but I always tell myself the most important part is to enjoy the journey and give your best!

5. Your favourite running route? Why?

The entire stretch of the riverside from Robertson Quay all the way to Marina Bay Sands at 6 am in the morning – an absolutely beautiful view of Singapore as I run towards daybreak. I know this may sound a bit cliché but the scene always reminds me of why I wanted to be a Police officer – to protect a home that is very easily taken for granted amidst the peace.

6. Your greatest reward from your running journey so far?

Staying energetic and fit for active retirement.

7. One advice for Singapore running community training for their upcoming HomeTeamNS REAL® (Regular Exercise, Active Lifestyle) Run 2018?

Cross train to prevent injury and boredom. Most importantly, enjoy the race and …. keep your feet moving and do your best! … Don’t stroll when you can run – otherwise the volunteers will have to stay back to wait for you to finish your stroll.

8. Finish this sentence: Running is …


9. When was your first HomeTeamNS REAL® Run experience? Any anecdotes to share?

Wow! That was when it was still held at Sentosa – a 10km run through a variety of terrain: flat road, beach and slopes! It was lotsa fun!

10. Have you had to stop running for a while because of any health challenges?

Yes, when I went for a surgery in 2017 and I stopped running for about 2months.

11. Your weekly fitness routine?

I do something every day just to sweat it out. It can be swimming, cycling, running or practicing yoga. It can be as simple as a 15-20 mins high-intensity interval training.

Join HomeTeamNS REAL® Run 2018 happening at Gardens By The Bay on 21 October 2018! Also, claim these cool entitlements after your run!

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