This race was just 2 weeks after my Guam Marathon. And it’d been a long time since I ran a Half Marathon or Marathon in Singapore. It felt kinda exciting having to come back after a long hiatus from running longer distance in Singapore.
I did not manage to get to the Race pack collection. Being a Zero waste runner this year, I am entitled to only one Bib and a runner’s event tee. It is really saving the environment. The good thing about being the Zero waste runner is that the cost of registration is cheaper. For about S$30 plus you get the run a Half Marathon race, to me that is pretty good. The tee shirt was a little bit too loud for me and besides I always wear the tortoise shirt to run.

Taking place at the F1 pit, this location is becoming a hot spot for run races, I guess it is because organizers can eliminate the number of road closures. Quite lucky in the sense that the road closure did not block out the way to the Flyer’s carpark so we were able to park there and walk really near to the start line.

Going pass mainly the southern part of Singapore from the F1 pit to Nicholl Highway, down to stadium and Gardens by the bay finally pass the CBD and back to F1 pit. The route is quite the usual suspect. But strangely maybe a long away from running in Singapore, I begin to feel the momentum to run come back. This was added by the cool breezy morning after a shower the night before.

The were ample water points along the way, mainly water and Isotonic drink. At some points there were banana and Isogel. To speak the truth a 21km road race does not need a lot of food but more for the hydration. But since this was an Eco zero waste run, most runners actually brought their own hydration and saved on the paper cups.
Ending point is the same as the start point only at the different direction. Managed to catch some friends along the way and at the end point, kind of remind me that it is time for me to join more Singaporean races to catch up with them.

As a zero waste runner, I was not given the finisher tee and medal. But refreshment like the banana and hydration , water and isotonic was provided. There were also booths around to show how you can be more environmentally friendly and save the earth at the finish area. Many runners just laze around and take pictures with the flyer as the back ground.

A massage corner was also set up with masseurs giving on the sport massages. This week was quite a madness week for me doing almost 4 pole classes and running my best for this Half marathon. I guess I really need to take a good break and start to plan for my next marathon training.

I would say Income run has always been one of the races I like. It is also not so crowded. Somehow as I grow older, I am beginning to fancy the more boutique and less crowded races. Also its reasonable prize and doing a part for saving the environment, I will definitely come back again!