Running To Spread Positivity And Open-Mindedness (by Zhiyong) | JustRunLah!

Running To Spread Positivity And Open-Mindedness (by Zhiyong)


I will be contributing 20km at the Relay Majulah coming this November. Relay Majulah is a ground-up initiative to form a 200-runners team to conquer 2,000km over 200 hours (2-10 Nov 2019) to raise funds for President’s Challenge and its 67 supported charities; and to commemorate Singapore’s 200 years. It also aims to unite the community, for the community; and tell the inspiring stories of people with an indomitable spirit, who live life to the full and live life without limits.

What motivated me to take part in this relay?

I’m proud to be a Singaporean and honoured to be displaying this through the sport which I’m most passionate about.

What am I most looking forward to in the participation of this relay?

Coming together with the 200 like-minded runners and completing the feat together.

Do I think this relay is a challenge for me and in what way?

It is not a challenge physically to me as an individual. It is more of a challenge for everyone to work together as a team to achieve the goal as one.

Does being a Singaporean/PR have a special significance to me?

Yes. I am grateful for the people who put in lots of commitment, determination and sometimes sacrifices to bring Singapore to where it is today. It motivates me to contribute in every little way I can to make it a place where we are proud to call Our Home.

Have I overcome any challenge which I would like to share?

My challenge may be immaterial compared to many people out there. However, my sharing is as such:

Challenges may come in many forms, be it physical, emotional, spiritual and social. Physically, I used to be an obese kid, which in turn leads to low self-esteem and was always bothered by how people around me see me. A common thought which used to ring in my head was “I am not good enough” or “I do not deserve this”.

It was through the desire and determination to achieve a Silver National Physical Fitness Award before enlistment in the army which changed my life. My fitness improved tremendously when I put my heart into the run training before, during or after school hours with a few classmates. My self-confidence also improved along the way, which allowed me to be more sociable and to have the ability to take on more demanding roles throughout National Service, University and work life. I also became more positive and open-minded and developed the willingness to do things for others, the country and the greater good.

Have I overcome any challenge that I can share that could inspire the community?

The constant pursuit of health and wellness as only a healthy mind, body and soul will be able to do wonders.

What is my favourite sport/choice of healthy activity and do I have any special relationship with it?

Running, and it is where I find solace and sanity in life.

Do I have any healthy tip to share?

Be consistent in your actions in achieving your goals. Results will come naturally when you turn actions into habits.

One of the reasons why I am participating in Relay Majulah is to help raise funds for President’s Challenge and its supported 67 charities.

I hope that through my fundraising efforts, I will be able to spread positivity and open-mindedness through the passion for running and fitness.

If you feel relatable to my story and motivation, you may check out or support my fundraising efforts here.

Spreading the passion for and benefits of running & fitness through personal experience. Seeking to be inspired in the life-long pursuit of total wellness.

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