Every Medal Has a Meaning | JustRunLah!

Every Medal Has a Meaning


Are you as sentimental as I am? Every run that I take part in, I always look forward to the reward at the end. That is, the shiny new finisher medal that I am about to earn and add to my collection. It’s almost an obsession constantly wanting to see my finisher medal collection grow larger and larger. With every medal earned, there is always a story behind it. The pain, sweat and time commitment put into training for the race. The medal is a constant reminder of all the early mornings, dieting and hours spent in the gym strengthening and chalking up mileage on the treadmill. It is a symbol of mental fortitude and the personal growth achieved as a result of taking part in the race.

With every milestone achieved, be it a 5KM, 10KM, Half-marathon or Full-marathon, the urge and desire to chase the next one gets stronger. Race organisers too, have played their part in recent years by innovating and injecting more creativity onto their finisher medal designs and coming up with a medal that a runner just cannot resist. Runner’s World magazine reported in Jan 2019 that the demand for ‘crazier’ finisher medals just keeps increasing and it is essentially what runners want. What else can race organiser’s do but to go bigger and better? With the large pool of races to take part in and the countless number of novel and bespoke races around the world, who is stopping a runner from jumping on a plane to get to their next race where they can not only gain valuable shared experiences with their fellow running buddies but also get a beautiful looking finisher medal at the end worthy of their own personal medal collection, suited to their taste.

Take a look at these very interesting finisher medal designs with their own meaning that will bring out the medal hunting monster in you:-

For all of you who are Disney fans, this marathon is certainly for you. This medal will stand out from all your other medals in your collection but more importantly, it is great to inspire your kids to get into running and staying fit and healthy.

Well this one is a tricky. Running is a healthy endeavor and anything that screams unhealthy and could affect your performance should not be associated to the sport. However, do think about it. This medal would be a head turner and definitely a great conversation starter.

The Beetles, Rolling Stones, AC/DC- ring any bells? If it does, do take part in this race. It will display your undying dedication to Rock and Roll. Also, Rock and Roll is not all about booze and crazy parties. Rock and Roll fans keep fit too and you can be a testament to that!

Ever wanted to be part of the most EPIC marathon on earth and be part of something bigger than yourself? I guess the Little Rock Marathon is where you want to be. According to the organiser, the medal gets a little bigger every year. In 2015, it measured 8.5 x 8.5 and weighed just over 3 pounds. Size does matter and not just that, this medal screams with excitement and joy the moment you set your eyes on it.

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure. The finisher medals shown above may entice some but also may not have quite the same effect on others. Well, it is up to you. Every medal means something to someone and if a particular race or finisher medal speaks to you in ways that only you understand, then why not put on those running shoes and go get it!

The author is a sports enthusiast who believes that every individual can utilise sports as a tool for character and self-development.

Ryan is a sports enthusiast who believes in the power of sports to achieve personal growth. He is an avid athlete and loves to explore the world. He is the Founder of Thinking Movement, a Medium publication focussed on providing insights and solutions to issues pertaining to sustainability, social justice, inclusion, mental health and self-help.

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